Friday, January 22, 2016

Danica Dillon to Josh Duggar: I"ve Got PHOTOS From Our Sex Romp!

Yesterday, Josh Duggar claimed he has proof absolving him of wrongdoing in the $ 500,000 lawsuit brought against him by a porn star.

But Danica Dillon is firing right back, claiming she’s got photos to prove her claims – that they met for sex and that Duggar was abusive.

U.S. District Court documents filed by the troubled father of four’s lawyer confirm that Dillon’s attorney has offered to provide this evidence.

The contents of the photographs are unclear, though it’s interesting that Josh also claims to possess images that he says prove his case.

Duggar hasn’t provided those, instead offering Uber receipts and flight receipts proving (allegedly) he was not in Pennsylvania at the time.

Many took that as a sign that Duggar is winning the legal battle, though Dillon is showing no indication of backing off anytime soon.

Danica alleges that Josh choked her and called her demeaning names, giving her PTSD, during two rough, paid sex sessions last spring.

She alleged that they had met at a Pennsylvania strip club in March, and sources say Dillon is subpoenaing the strip club in question.

Along with various eyewitness accounts, “her team is confident they can get people to back up her story,” a case insider told Radar

Back on January 19, a judge ordered Dillon to provide medical and business records as proof of any physical and emotional damages.

Bottom line: The quest to prove or disprove that Danica and Josh had sex continues, with no end in sight and lawyers getting richer.