Wednesday, August 30, 2017

Bachelor in Paradise Season 4 Episode 6 Recap: Corinne Olympios Speaks!

For some reason, the drama in Bachelor in Paradise this season is all over the place. Just when you think it’s all calmed down, it all kicks off again. 

While that’s usually a good thing, Bachelor in Paradise Season 4 Episode 6 was a disaster. 

When the episode got underway, Matt had decided Paradise was not for him and peaced out from the place like it was a hot potato. 

While one of them was out the door, there was a new man drafted in to give a rose to a lady in need.  If you watch Bachelor in Paradise online, you will know that Lacey has been talking about Canadian Daniel all season long. 

As soon as he walked in, she was all over him like a rash and saying the craziest things to him. 

“I’ve been waiting for you!”

Daniel was not impressed about being left with Lacy, noting he’s been “left with the scraps of Paradise.” Like, where did they even get this dude from?

He’s disrespected one of the women, and he’s been on the show all of two minutes. And, if you thought Lacey was done with him after his little outburst, she was not. 

She must feel so dumb watching all of this back, but maybe she could fill in some of the blanks because we know the producers condense a lot of the content to create a narrative. 

The only saving grace for Daniel was that he handed Lacey over the rose at the ceremony, so he’s not all bad. Maybe he does see a future with her. 

Matt then made a return at the last second to hand over the rose to Jasmine. It was a cute gesture, but it was completely lost on her. 

“Go back to your little town in Connecticut. Enjoy your life. You’ll probably regret it. You’re dead to me,” she yelled in her confessional. 

Derek gave his rose to Taylor, Robby gave his to Amanda and Adam gave his to Raven. 

Dean then handed his rose over to Kristina after revealing he was more attracted to Danielle. Did his guilt take over? You’re meant to be finding love in Paradise, not keeping friends around. 

If Dean thought Danielle was out of the picture, he was so wrong because Ben handed over the rose to her, which meant the end of Sarah and Alexis. 

Things quickly got weird with Kristina daring Dean to get an inaudible thing, but we’re going to assume she said “boner.”

“Okay, give me a [CENSORED],” Dean replied. Kristina said she would be taking no part in it and he would need to do it all himself. 

“You’re not going to touch it at all?” And then he says, “Give me a second. Give me another 20 seconds.”

What the hell?

Meanwhile, the Tickle Monster made his grand entrance, and all of the women seemed high on him. 

Christen wasted no time in getting it on with the Tickle Monster. 

“I think it takes a lot of confidence to let your job title be Tickle Monster when you’re actually a doctor,” she says. 

While Christen and Tickle went on a date, Dean was back at the resort with Danielle on his mind. 

“I know if and when I pass on Kristina to move on to Danielle, Danielle will never be as into me as Kristina is at this point,” he revealed. 

Like, who even says that? He is a first class D-Bag, and we hope all the women reject him now. 

Eventually, he did cut Kristina off but essentially said they could end up back together. 

“He and I stayed the night last night, and you can assume what happened,” Kristina wails to Robby as they watch Dean get up close and personal with Danielle. 

Then, it was time for Corinne to open up about what really happened to her in Paradise. 

Olympios explained that she was on medication that did not react well with the alcohol and that was the reason she blacked out. 

She said that when she woke up, she did not remember anything, and was confused by production being shut down. 

She then stressed that she had no hard feelings to Demario and that he was a victim in all of the drama. 

Corinne called the whole thing annoying and noted that she could not even go tot he grocery store without her name appearing on magazines and people judging her. 

Yep, she still blames the media!

What do you all think about this?

Sound off below!
