Tuesday, August 29, 2017

Corinne Olympios Insists: I Was SO the Victim!

Corinne Olympios has no problem with DeMario Jackson.

She has no problem with Bachelor in Paradise producers, either.

In an interview today with Good Morning America, the former Bachelor suitor and Bachelor in Paradise contestant made it clear that she harbors no ill will toward those directly involved with the scandal that halted production on Season 4 of the latter program.

So, who does Olympios blame for what happened?

For the way she feels as though her name was dragged through the mud after she and Jackson hooked up and a Warner Bros. investigation soon followed because it was unclear whether Corinne gave DeMario permission to lick her clitoris?

The media.

“I was a victim of… just being blown into the media and having people make these crazy assumptions and judgments about what happened that day,” Olympios said on GMA.

You know, I was really a victim of the media. All of a sudden people became an expert on the situation and what happened, and it’s like, ‘Well, I’m still trying to figure out what happened.’

“It was just horrible to deal with.”

Jackson has sat for numerous interviews since he and Olympios got drunk, hooked up and stirred major controversy.

He’s fought back against accusations of rape and blamed racist for the snowballing crisis.

Olympios, meanwhile, has admitted she mixed alcohol with prescription pills on the night in question… and she does take responsibility for that action.

“I was on a medication that severely blacks you out and impairs your judgment and messes with your balance,” she told GMA, adding:

“But I didn’t know you were not supposed to drink on. And so I really just caused a horrible, horrible blackout. It was like I went under anesthesia and just woke up.”

Olympios says she has tuned in for Bachelor in Paradise this season and reacted in “shock” upon seeing her actions.

“It’s like I’m watching not me. I’m watching someone else.”

Olympios doesn’t blame producers for what happened.

Quite the opposite, in fact.

“I would hope that if a producer saw anything that they were uncomfortable with with anyone, they would do the proper investigations,” she says, adding that she’s “super thankful.”

She also wishes DeMario “well, always.”

Corinne will chat with Chris Harrison on tonight’s episode of Bachelor in Paradise.

It should be an interesting back and forth.

“I definitely am weaning off that medication. I don’t want to be taking something that…you know, it was very scary what happened,” she said this morning.

“I cut down the drinking.”

We’re glad to hear it.
