Wednesday, August 30, 2017

Corinne Olympios: The Next Bachelorette?!

The world has seen the infamous Bachelor in Paradise hookup between Corinne Olympios and DeMario Jackson, and heard from everybody involved.

We think that the Bachelor Nation is pretty much ready to move on.

And, apparently, so is Corinne herself. Some of what she said has led people to ask if she’s going to be the lead on The Bachelorette.

First of all, can you imagine what a jaw-dropping, intense season of The Bachelorette we’d have if Corinne Olympios plays the lead?

This is the woman who famously took off her top in the pool on a group date, because honestly she’s kind of an unsung hero.

Seriously, when she isn’t blacked out thanks to an unforeseen interaction of alcohol with her prescription meds, Corinne knows what she wants and she goes after it.

Imagine her with a couple dozen suitors or so, all vying for her hand.

Imagine how many ridiculous gifs we’d get from that season.

So, yeah, even the slightest hint that Corinne might star on The Bachelorette makes our eyes widen with delight.

During a recent interview with The Insider, Corinne was asked if she’d ever consider returning in some form to a Bachelor series.

Specifically, as the Bachelorette.

Instead of a simple “sure, I’d consider that,” or “no, that’s not for me,” Corinne replied by looking past the reporter at someone else and asking:

“Am I allowed to answer this?”


Generally speaking, you don’t ask if you’re allowed to do anything unless you’re at least in talks to do something, whether it’s to get a book published or, say, star on a reality series in which multiple men compete to win your heart.

Now, the reporter kept asking Corinne about that, thank goodness.

To respond to the very specific question of: “Are you already the Bachelorette,” Corinne finally answered.

“No! Oh my God! No!”

First of all, the word “already” is a clue.

Corinne might be in talks to be the Bachelorette, but there might be others.

After all of the totally unwarranted slut-shaming that Corinne endured (no wonder she said that she was a victim of the media!), what better apology could producers offer her than a starring role?

Also, Corinne’s been known to play things close to the vest — that’s how she was about Bachelor in Paradise before it was announced that she’d be on it.

She could even be straight-up lying to keep to her NDA.

Interestingly, the actual interview itself was about a very different project that Corinne is working on.

She’s apparently going to be part of a scripted series.

Corinne teases that it’s going to be about “Dating and this new kind of life,” which is vague as hell but definitely piques our interest.

It’s always possible that Corinne could appear on another show in the Bachelor franchise and also have this scripted gig launch.

(She wouldn’t be the first person to make the leap from reality star to scripted acting)

We can’t wait to see what she gets up to next.
