Showing posts with label Stocks. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Stocks. Show all posts

Thursday, July 26, 2018

Mark Zuckerberg Loses $16 BILLION In One Day as Facebook Stocks Plummet!

We imagine Mark Zuckerberg spends all day poking around in our personal business and laughing at our misfortunes, so we’re relishing the opportunity to return the favor.

As you may have heard, Zuckerberg’s company — a plucky little startup called Facebook — is not having the best year.

First, there was Zuck’s testimony before Congress, which was only amusing if you watched it on mute and pretended it was an episode of Black Mirror where a robot gets put on trial for murder.

Shortly thereafter, Zuckerberg was harshly criticized for defending the rights of Holocaust deniers who use his service to propagate their batsh-t beliefs.

Marky Mark probably thought getting publicly crucified for presiding over a company that allows Russian bots to spread fake news and enables neo-Nazis to stoke the flames of racial hatred would the low point of his 2018.

And maybe it was.

But losing $ 16 billion in personal wealth as shareholders call for your head probably still stings just a bit.

Yes, it was a rough day on Wall Street, as Facebook stocks plummetted more than 20 percent, seemingly in response to the company’s recent rash of scandals and bad press.

Of course, even after losing more money in a single day than most people could spend in five lifetimes, Zuck is still worth more than $ 68 billion, so you probably won’t see him doing the Floss for nickels outside a VA hospital anytime soon.

But the loss puts him below Warren Buffett on the list of the world’s richest people, which is amusing for at least two reasons:

1. People actually like Buffett, whereas the sight of Zuckerberg causes most folks to fantasize about perpetrating a fatal wedgie, and

2. We like to imagine Buffett calling Zuck, saying, “How’s my ass taste, kid?” and promptly hanging up the phone.

Of course, it wasn’t just Facebook’s affiliations with Cambridge Analytica and the Pepe the Frog set that have stocks and profit margins plummeting.

The site’s ongoing efforts to become Snapchat for old people are also causing “unforeseen growth cessations” and other mumbo-jumbo that basically means “we might be f-cked.”

“We plan to grow and promote certain engaging experiences like Stories that currently have lower levels of monetization, and we are also giving people who use our services more choices around data privacy, which may have an impact on our revenue growth,” says CFO David Wehner.

Again, this is all relative, as Facebook’s market cap is still valued at about $ 120 billion, so your aunt Sharon’s favorite venue for sharing “wine o’clock” memes won’t be going away anytime soon.

But the important thing is that today’s news affirms the increasingly popular theory that Mark Zuckerberg is not the savior of the Western world, but just some code jockey who was in the right place at the right time.

Watch for him and fellow embodiment of the evils of late capitalism Elon Musk to announce a plan for world domination any day now.


Monday, February 19, 2018

Kim Kardashian"s Christmas Stocks from Kanye Have Already Netted Her a Fortune

Kim Kardashian’s Christmas gift from Kanye West isn’t going to stop the chorus from grousing she keeps getting richer for doing nothing, because in this case … it’s absolutely true. As we reported, Ye hooked up his wife for Xmas with $ 100k of…


Saturday, January 20, 2018

Donald Trump"s First Year in Office Has Been Gold for 3 Major Stocks

In case you haven’t heard — especially from him – Donald Trump’s first year in office has been great for the stock market … but 3 companies in particular have benefited bigly from their association with the Prez. TMZ did some research, and…


Wednesday, December 27, 2017

Kanye West Gifts Kim Kardashian Stocks, Gift Cards, & So Much More!

Kanye West is intent on helping Kim Kardashian take over the world. 

Kanye was once one of the most controversial rappers around, but he’s been keeping a low profile these days.

He and Kim are gearing up to welcome their third child into the world, so we can imagine how busy they must be. 

We’re still shocked that Kanye appeared on some of the family’s Christmas cards because his public appearances have been scarce ever since he took a breakdown in 2016. 

That said, we do believe he was only drafted in at the last second to give the media something to talk about in light of the lack Kylie Jenner on the cards. 

Maybe this is yet another calculated plan from the business-oriented mind of Kris Jenner to keep the family being talked about. 

Now, we already knew that Kanye liked to gift his wife with some of the best things around, but he may well have gone a little too far this Christmas. 

As usual, Kim took to Instagram to show off all of her gifts and brag about how great her husband is because he went above and beyond to help her take over the world. 

In the first clip, Kim revealed a small brown box that was filled with stocking fillers like gift cards for Amazon and Netflix, Apple headphones, Adidas socks and even a Mickey Mouse doll. 

“I’m like, ‘That’s so sweet, thanks!’” Kim says as she shows off the gifts. 

Now, you may be thinking that it’s a well-thought-out gift, but Kanye took his kindness to a whole new level when Kim revealed there was a second box. 

That box was filled with certificates confirming Kanye had bought Kim stocks in all of the companies he bought her the gifts from. 

“Best husband alert!” Kim wrote in the clip. 

Yes, there really is no expense spared when it comes to Kanye West giving the gift of power to his loved ones. 

Despite rumor after rumor that the couple is headed for divorce, it appears they are still very close. Why would you spend THAT much on someone who may be about to tell you to pack your bags and get out of the house?

What do you think of the gifts?

Was it too much, or just about right for the likes of Kim Kardashian?

Sound off below!


Tuesday, December 26, 2017

Kanye West Got Kim Kardashian Lots O" Stocks for Christmas

Kanye West might’ve just gotten Kim Kardashian the best Christmas gifts ever … even more ways to be filthy rich in the future.  Kim revealed what her hubby got her for Xmas on her IG story Tuesday, and thank the Lord for the twist here –…
