Wednesday, September 20, 2017

Lindsay Shookus: ACTUALLY Pregnant With Ben Affleck"s Baby?!

It’s been two months since we first learned that Ben Affleck and Lindsay Shookus are dating, and surprisingly, the couple has been pretty open about their relationship status.

They haven’t made any official announcements, because that’s just not how the Batfleck rolls, but they’re certainly not hiding their romance from the tabloid press.

Affleck and Shookus attended the Emmys together on Sunday night, and while they didn’t walk the red carpet together, Ben reportedly stood up and cheered when she won an award for her work on Saturday Night Live.

So either Ben and Lindsay are moving pretty fast by the standards of two recently divorced people, or there’s some truth to the rumors that they started dating while they were both still married.

Either way, it’s a relationship that has the rumor mill churning non-stop.

There have been near-constant rumors that Ben and Lindsay are secretly engaged, so perhaps we shouldn’t be surprised that some gossip outlets already have the couple taking an even bigger leap together.

Both Radar Online and several tabloids reported this week on rumors that Lindsay is pregnant with Ben’s baby.

“There have been whispers that she might be pregnant with Ben’s child, and that’s why they decided to reveal they were together,” says one insider.

Obviously, the couple has not confirmed any of these reports, and they should probably be taken with several grains of salt.

We’re not saying that Lindsay is definitively not pregnant with Ben’s baby, but the rumors don’t exactly jibe with reports that Ben and Lindsay are drinking heavily

We doubt Ben would publicly fall off the wagon by getting hammered with his pregnant girlfriend.

The man’s had his issues over the years, but he’s not Charlie Sheen.

We’re inclined to believe that Ben and Lindsay are headed for the altar eventually, but we imagine they’ll take things rather slowly.

After all, they both have kids, and they’re both newly divorced.

Plus, for now, it seems like they’re just enjoying being single.

It’s hard to balance a newborn and a bender.

Plus, there’s that whole laying off the sauce for nine months while you’re pregnant thing, and that doesn’t seem to fit with Ben and Lindsay’s current lifestyle.
