Thursday, October 26, 2017

Ben Affleck & Lindsay Shookus: Moving In Together?!

It’s been three months since we first learned that Ben Affleck and Lindsay Shookus are dating, but there are many who believe the couple has been together much longer than that.

In fact, according to one persistent rumor that’s plagued the actor and the SNL producer from the start of their relationship, Ben started dating Lindsay while he was still married to Jennifer Garner.

We have our doubts about that one, as it would mean that Ben and Lindsay kept their relationship on the down-low for a full year after he and Garner separated, which seems impossible.

Ben’s notoriously secretive about his personal life, so we may never find out exactly when he started hooking up with Lindsay, but whatever the case, these two are definitely at the “serious” stage of their relationship.

How serious are they, you ask?

Well, it looks as though Affleck and Shookus are soon to purchase a pricey piece of real estate together.

Yes, according to TMZ, Ben and Lindsay have been house shopping, and an $ 18.5 million property in Santa Monica seems to have caught the couple’s eye.

Witnesses say Affleck and Shookus spent more than an hour touring the home, and she was spotted leaving the property with a spec sheet in her hand.

In order to fully appreciate the significance of this news, you have to understand that in Southern California, buying property together ranks above adopting a dog and just below adopting a child on the spectrum of commitment gestures.

We’ve been hearing rumors about Ben and Lindsay getting engaged for months now, but we mostly dismissed them.

After all, Ben can barely commit to a superhero project, and getting married is a slightly bigger deal.

But if these two are buying a house together, all bets are off.

Granted, Lindsay doesn’t fit the mold of a typical Affleck significant other (She’s neither famous, nor named Jen.), but perhaps this is the dawn of a new era in Ben’s life.

Of course, there’s still the minor problem of the fact that Lindsay is based out of New York, and Ben seems to have no intention of leaving LA.

But maybe Affleck can pull some strings and have SNL relocated to the West Coast.

The guy’s effing Batman, and “live from Los Angeles” has a decent ring to it.
