Thursday, August 10, 2017

Lindsay Shookus: TERRIFIED of Meeting Ben Affleck"s Family!

As you may have heard by now, Ben Affleck is dating Lindsay Shookus, a Saturday Night Live producer whom he met during one of his appearances on the show.

This isn’t like the many other dating rumors that have plagued Affleck in the months since his divorce from Jennifer Garner became final.

Affleck and Shookus are the real deal, and by all accounts, their relationship is getting serious.

But there’s one major milestone that the couple is apparently eager to put off as long as possible.

According to Radar Online, Lindsay is “terrified” by the prospect of meeting Ben’s family, with whom the actor is said to be very close.

For starters, Lindsay reportedly fears the Afflecks will blame her for the dissolution of Ben’s marriage.

“Lindsay’s been avoiding this so far, but meeting Ben’s mom, his brother Casey and the extended family is something’s she’s going to have to face,” a source close to the situation tells Radar.

“She’s terrified at facing their questions on how she and Ben met and fell in love,” the insider admitted.

“But she’s starting to run out of excuses – and Ben’s family members are beginning to wonder what’s up.”

Given the rumors that Ben started dating Lindsay while he was still married, we suppose it’s no wonder that she’s worried about how she’ll be perceived by the Affleck clan.

On top of all that, Lindsay is from Buffalo, which means she has to meet with Ben’s family prior to the start of the NFL season, so as to avoid being mocked relentlessly.

And don’t get us started on the challenge of deciphering Casey’s mush-mouthed mumbling without the assistance of closed captioning.

We can already hear Ben’s mother asking why he can’t settle down with a nice girl, like his friend Matt.

That, of course, may prove enough to cause a transition into Sad Affleck mode, or even a wild rage, as he does anytime someone dares to suggest that DeflateGate was anything other than a simple misunderstanding.

Lindsay is in a tough spot, as she lives in New York City, and hails from upstate, which means if she tries to kiss ass by praising the Red Sox or the Pats, she’ll instantly melt like an Indiana Jones Nazi.

We wish her the best of luck.

She’d do best to focus the conversation on the superiority of New England clam chow-dah over Manhattan and the wicked pah-kin’ nightmares created by the Big Dig.

Either that, or pretend she’s the person who saw and enjoyed Gigli.
