Showing posts with label Fugly. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Fugly. Show all posts

Thursday, March 29, 2018

Ben Affleck on Twitter: I Love My Fugly Tattoos!

It’s been a tough few months in the life of Ben Affleck.

Come to think of it, it’s been a tough couple years for Beantown Benny, but we’ll for brevity’s sake, we’ll stick to the more recent misfortunes.

The latest round of headaches that likely has been dejectedly vaping in a Dodge Charger somewhere has to do with Ben’s back tattoo.

Now, this is a saga that’s been going on for years, but only came to a head this past week, when some candid shirtless beach photos confirmed that Affleck lied about the tattoo being “fake for a movie.”

We may never know what possessed Ben to have a giant, colorful phoenix etched into his flesh, but it’s not hard to figure out why he decided to lie about it:

The tattoo is a big ugly mistake – not unlike the film Gigli – and Ben quite understandably wanted to cover it up.

Mistakes, we all make them – but that doesn’t mean we’re exampt from getting flamed on social media when we screw up.

And more followers means more haters, a lesson Ben is lerarning the hard way as trolls came out of the woodwork to rag on Ben’s horrendous ink.

To make matters worse, now those cronut-munching Niles Crane wannabes at The New Yorker are having a go at poor Ben.

In a piece published last week entitled – we sh-t you not – “The Great Sadness of Ben Affleck,” columnist Naomi Fry roasted the Batfleck within an inch of his life.

Was the article meant to be funny?

We think so, but it’s hard to tell with The New Yorker – a publication which remains stubbornly convinced that sketches of wild animals complaining about oaky chardonnay are the stuff of droll hilarity.

Fry critiqued the photos mercilessly, ragging on Ben’s “pooching” gut and the “blue-gray towel … wrapped protectively around his midsection—recalling a shy teen at the local pool.”

Yes, like her magazine’s famous cartoons, Fry’s piece won’t make you laugh, necesarily, but if you’re a certain type of smug, you may find yourself tempted to share it on Facebook as evidence of your wit and sophistication.

But hey, Ben’s able to laugh at himself, even when the jokes at his expense aren’t exactly Carlin-caliber.

Affleck has dealt with a lot of criticism over the years but it seems he couldn’t resist letting the dwwebs of the Upper East Side know that they’re rubber and he’s glue.

“@NewYorker I’m doing just fine. Thick skin bolstered by garish tattoos,” Affleck tweeted at the magazine today.

Ben knows you have to hit these nerds where it hurts – right in the vocabulary.

Very perspicacious of you, homey.


Tuesday, March 1, 2016

JLo: Ben Affleck"s Back Tattoo Is FUGLY!!!

It"s equal parts painful and entertaining to watch Andy Cohen grill his guests to the point where they cry "UNCLE!" and want to move on.

On last night"s Watch What Happens Live, Cohen invited Jennifer Lopez back to the clubhouse for a third appearance.

Cohen put Lopez on the spot, first with a Marry-Shag-Kill game involving her American Idol co-stars, Harry Connick, Jr., Ryan Seacrest and Keith Urban.

It got too weird for Lopez, who giggled and insisted they move on to the next question, which had to do with her ex-fiance, Ben Affleck.

"What is your honest opinion of Ben Affleck"s phoenix back tattoo?" Cohen asked the Shades of Blue star, showing a photo of Affleck and his skin mural from December 2015.

"It"s awful!" she declared. 

"I mean, I would tell him that. I would tell him," she insisted, adding she would ask Affleck, "What are you doing?"

"It has too many colors. His tattoos always have too many colors. They shouldn"t be so colorful. You know what I mean?" she said. 

"They should be cooler."

Be honest, JLo. You"d still hit it.

In addition to the eye sore on his back, Affleck has a bunch of tattoos covering the right side of his body.  

A dolphin on his right hip covers up the name of his high school girlfriend, according to E!.

His right bicep features a barbed wire tattoo, while initials are inked on his right shoulder blade, and complicated design made up of a fish, skull and crossbones covers his right arm.

About that dolphin tatt…

Jlo ben afflecks back tattoo is fugly