Monday, October 22, 2018

Florida Man Cuts Off Penis of Ex-Girlfriend"s New Boyfriend

The continuing adventures of Florida Man have taken a grim turn.

A vengeful ex-lover went to great lengths to find the new boyfriend of his ex-girlfriend.

He hit the man over the head with a tire iron, carved his initials into the man’s leg, and then cut off the man’s penis.

The Chicago Tribute reports that, on a judge’s orders, Florida man Justin Foster is being held on $ 1 million bond.

Foster is a Tallahassee resident, but he made the trek to Atlanta before flying to Chicago.

In Chicago, he rented a car and drove to Des Plaines.

It was in Des Plaines that the alleged crime went down.

Foster apparently approached the 26-year-old boyfriend of his former lover before the violence began.

According to police, after Foster approached the victim, he struck him over the head with a tire iron.

The victim was then rendered unconscious, but Foster was allegedly just getting started.

He is said to have then carved initials — which initials are unclear, but many have assumed that they were his own — into the victim’s leg.

Foster then allegedly cut off the man’s penis.

Every single part of that is horrifying.

According to detectives, Foster then tossed the penis over a fence.

The victim was then dragged behind a parked car.

It is there that Foster allegedly left the victim in a growing pool of his own blood.

The victim was found by someone who was passing by.

Emergency services were contacted and he was rushed to the emergency room.

In the mean time, Foster boarded a flight back to Atlanta.

Foster was arrested on August 27.

He was extradited back to Illinois in September.

He has been charged with attempted murder, which is appropriate since his assault could have easily claimed the victim’s life.

There was more to it than the horrific mutilation.

The victim received permanent brain damage from the tire iron blow to the head.

Whacking someone over the head with a heavy object isn’t like what you see on television, folks.

Hitting someone hard enough to knock them out means hitting someone hard enough to damage them or even to kill them.

This is a truly gruesome case on every level.

Based upon what we know, it appears that the sole motive was that the victim was dating Justin Foster’s ex-girlfriend.

This goes above and beyond most of the horror stories about jealous exes that we’ve ever heard.

It sounds like Justin Foster may be the worst incarnation of Florida Man.

For now, anyway. …
