Monday, November 5, 2018

Keeping Up with the Kardashians Recap: CHEATER! CHEATER!

Tonight’s episode is an uncomfortable and super emotional one for me.

But when we signed up for this show over a decade ago, we signed up for a reality show, which meant showing you guys inside our lives, the good, the bad and the ugly.

To relive these moments all over again is incredibly difficult emotionally but I also hope that with every trail [sic], tribulation and curve ball life throws at us, that we ALL get to learn from our journeys.

khloe ft pic

So wrote Khloe Kardashian in the lead-up to a new episode of her family’s wildly popular E! program on Sunday night.

As viewers found out a short while later, this installment of Keeping Up with the Kardashians was a mega awkward and difficult one, as Khloe and her loved ones learned that Tristan Thompson had been cheating on her.

It’s an old story for all celebrity gossip followers at this point, but the wound was reopened and made fresh yesterday evening.

The episode opened innocently enough, too, with Khloe bouncing herself on a birthball ball and saying simply:

“Tristan is on the road… All I do is sit on this birthing ball.”

Sadly, however, Khloe had no idea at this time that Tristan was out and about, having random Instagram models sit on his face.

But the truth then came out.

Thanks to the Internet.

“There’s a last night. I know Khloé’s gonna die,” said Kim Kardashian, who just happened to be filming a testimonial when she received a text about it.

Added Kourtney, upon discovering the horrible truth herself:

“This is really shocking and obviously heartbreaking. The whole thing makes me disgusted.”

Kendall Jenner, meanwhile, referred to Thompson as an “idiot.”

As for who broke the life-altering news to Khloe?

Kylie Jenner explained why she took on this challenging job:

“No one had the courage to tell Khloe because she was days away from giving birth,” said the cosmetics guru, adding for fans to consider:

“I’m the one who told Khloe. … She should hear from one of us versus on the Internet.”

And that’s exactly what happened.

How did Khloe take it? Surprisingly well. Better than we would have, that’s for sure.

“Everyone wants me to make a decision right this second and I just want to go and give birth and try to enjoy this,” Khloe said, admitting that she still wanted Tristan in the delivery room and continuing:

“I don’t want anyone to talk about it and make him uncomfortable and make me uncomfortable.”

The reality star later admitted on Twitter Sunday night that she was “in shock” at the time, but she still handled herself like a boss.

And she did it for her daughter:

keeks writes on twitter

Khloe did kick Tristan out of their shared home after being told all he had done, however, and also did consider flying back to Los Angeles to give birth.

But she was too far along to do so. It would have been too dangerous.

So the episode concluded with Kim, Kourtney and Malika Haqq waiting for their private plane to Cleveland, hoping they would arrive before Khloe had the baby.

khloe on facetime

“It’s going to be hard to look at [Tristan] or be in the same room as him,” Kim said, revealing what she wanted to say upon first seeing the dishonsest baller:

“To be continued motherf–ker. It’s not over.”

Of course, it not being over also applies to the romance between Tristan and Khloe. 

They are basically going as strong as ever at this point.

Still, we always find ourselves asking and wondering: Can this really last?
