Friday, November 2, 2018

Ariana Grande BLASTS Pete Davidson: This Loser Used Me For Fame!

Hard to believe that it was less than five months ago that Ariana Grande stunned fans by announcing her engagement to Pete Davidson.

Of course, saying the situation didn’t play out the way she expected would be putting it very, very mildly.

Ariana and Pete broke up unexpectedly last month, and from what it seems, the split was far from amicable.

Now, there are many perks to dating a comedian, chief among them, of course, is the fact that your relationship is sure to be filled with laughter.

But there are downsides, as well, particularly the fact that comics tend to mine the more painful aspects of their private lives for material, which means there’s a good chance that a difficult breakup will immediately become joke fodder.

So it’s not terribly surprising that a new promo for the upcoming episode of SNL finds Pete playing the news about his love life for laughs.

Standing alongside hosts Jonah Hill and musical guest Maggie Rogers, Davidson jokingly proposes to Rogers, who promptly shoots him down, an obvious reference to Davidson’s tendency to move very quickly in relationships — particularly when his partner is a well-known singer.

Take a look:

Pretty harmless stuff, if you ask us, and Davidson is clearly poking fun at himself more than he’s skewering Ariana.

Still, Grande was obviously not thrilled to find that her very recent breakup is already being played for laughs, and she made her feelings very clear with a pair of scathing tweets.

“For somebody who claims to hate relevancy [you] sure love clinging to it huh,” Grande wrote.


“Thank [you], next,” she added.

We can’t help but think “fame” would’ve worked better there than “relevancy.”

After all, who hates being relevant?

But we digress.

Needless to say, fans have overwhelmingly sided with Ariana, with the tweets attracting many references to the spillage of tea and state-sanctioned beheadings. 

(We assume that’s what’s meant by the phrase “slaaaaaay queen!”)

And as the details of Pete and Ariana’s breakup are hard to come by, it’s impossible for us to say if it was appropriate for Pete to joke about the breakup so soon after the fact.

But we can say that if Ariana is this thin-skinned, it’s a safe bet that her relationship with a famously envelope-pushing comic was likely doomed from the start.

Again, this argument is null and void if it turns out that Pete precipitated the breakup with some sort of monstrous behavior, but if it was just a standard split, then Ari might have to just come to grips with the fact that the snarky sense of humor she previously found so endearing will now serve as a source of mild irritation.

And hey, if she wants to shoot back by claiming that all that talk about “big dick energy” was just her way of compensating for Pete’s micropenis, we’re 100 percent here for it.
