Announcing you are expecting a baby is fun, exciting and special no matter how you choose to do it.
But these people have chosen to do it in especially unique and hilarious ways…
1. Coming Soon!
This is a nice, creative, subtle way of announcing a pregnancy. But some small feet will soon be filling those shoes.
2. It’s Positive!
It’s a positive pregnancy test! Can you tell which half of this couple is more excited about it?
3. Expect the Unexpected
No, babies don’t come from storks. But this one is being used to announced one.
4. Sand Art
This is one of the more artistic ways of announcing to friends and family members that you are expecting a child.
5. We’re Prego!
They’re Prego! This type of announcement is both funny and, later, tasty.
6. Bun in the Oven
There’s a literal bun in an actual oven in this humorous photo. But a figurative one is also on the way.
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