Showing posts with label Abduct. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Abduct. Show all posts

Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Kelly Rutherford May Try to Abduct Kids, Judge Fears

As reported yesterday, former Gossip Girl star Kelly Rutherford lost custody of her two children in her ongoing, bizarre legal saga.

Moreover the judge overseeing the case is concerned that if given the chance, the actress will abduct the kids and never return!

Rutherford has been fighting Daniel Giersch, her former spouse and a resident of Monaco, for control of the children for years.

Back in August, Hermes and Helena were returned to Giersch permanently, following a brief trip to the U.S. with Rutherford.

It was that trip that sparked this latest decision.

In a written ruling, the judge said there was “a strong risk of the children’s abduction and retention in the United States” again.

A few months ago, Rutherford refused to return the children to Giersch and Monaco after they visited her during the summer.

Her plan did not work out in the end, though.

The judge was far from pleased and not only awarded her ex-husband custody, but put the kibosh on any future U.S. trips.

For now, Kelly can only visit her kids in France and Monaco. A tough blow, but the way this feud has gone, it’s not a surprising one.

At all.