Showing posts with label Accepts. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Accepts. Show all posts

Monday, January 11, 2016

Taylor Swift Only Accepts "Beautiful, Successful People" Into Squad, Source Says

If you know Taylor Swift, then you know about Taylor Swift’s squad.

Taylor’s ever-expanding chick clique is such a major part of her public image at this point that its been the subject of multiple SNL sketches, and now we may have our first insight as to how she chooses her new recruits.

Yes, today in “No doy!” news, Celebrity Dirty Laundry is reporting that Taylor only accepts “gorgeous, successful” people into her squad.

According to a squad source, who should probably go into hiding ASAP, Taylor has become “so huge she really believes she’s above average-looking people.”

In the sense that at six foot in heels, she’s literally above average people, we suppose that’s true. We’ll show ourselves out.

Anyway, the source goes on to say that Taylor collects supermodels and other pretty people so that they can serve as a sort of “beautiful wallpaper” when she walks the red carpet.

Now, there’s a status symbol. 

Every rapper with a hit single to his name has a Bentley, but who has living, leggy accessories to accompany them to events just so they can pose for better photos than anyone else.

Just Taylor, that’s who. We bet Katy Perry is totally friends with, like, ugly people and stuff.

Friday, November 20, 2015

Father Accepts Whisper Challenge, Has Epic Reaction to Pregnancy News

This may be it, people. This may be our favorite reaction to a pregnancy announcement that we"ve ever seen on the Internet.

Yes, that wife surprising her husband with a self-created Taste Challenge was pretty cool and pretty funny.

But another couple decided to use a different sort of challenge to stun a pair of grandparents-to-be.

It"s called the Whisper Challenge and any frequent viewer of The Tonight Show with Jimmy Fallon is familiar with the game.

It entails one party wearing noise-canceling headphones and the other party whispering some kind of message. The headphone-wearing individual must then decipher said message.

It"s not easy, but it is hilarious to watch.

And it"s even more hilarious to watch when the headphone-wearer is about to be a grandfather, but he doesn"t know it yet because he can"t figure out what his son is saying.

So he keeps repeating the wrong message, getting closer and closer and closer to the truth.

Until finally saying the right words, letting it sink in for a moment and then screaming in absolute shock and euphoria. 

What a great way to spill baby news.

What an amazing reaction.

Check it all out now:

Father accepts whisper challenge has epic reaction to pregnancy