Showing posts with label Angelakos. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Angelakos. Show all posts

Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Michael Angelakos, Passion Pit Frontman, Comes Out as Gay

During a candid interview with Bret Easton Ellis, Passion Pit’s lead singer Michael Angelakos came out of the closet.

The singer of the critically acclaimed band took the bold move to publicly out himself on Ellis’ podcast, B.E.E.  And in a heartbreaking story, he explained that he desperately wanted to be straight.

Angelakos was married to stylist Kristina Mucci.  The singer explained that he loved Mucci so much that he wanted to be straight.  But, in the end, he had to be true to himself.

“I just wanted so badly to be straight because I love her so much,” he told Ellis. “I think that was one of the most painful things when we decided to separate.”

The couple announced their divorce in August.  However, their split was amicable, and Mucci is Angelakos’ biggest supporter:

“When I decided to really deal with it head on, which was, I don’t know, in June, she was the one who spearheaded it in a way,” the musician explained. 

“She said, ‘You need to figure out what’s going on with your sexuality because you can’t hate yourself anymore.’”

Outside of Mucci and until now, Angelakos did not tell many people about his sexuality. He said, ”I’ve told very few people in my personal small circles because I don’t know how to talk about it, you know?” 

“When this was all happening recently, finally, I just decided it might be best to talk about it here. I don’t really know what happened, but it’s just one of those gut feelings,” Angelakos added.

“It’s the same gut feeling I had when I said, ‘Okay, I kind of just need to talk to people about the fact that I am. I’m gay.’ And that’s it. It just has to happen.”