Showing posts with label Bitten. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Bitten. Show all posts

Thursday, November 8, 2018

Florida Man Wearing Crocs Jumps Into Crocodile Exhibit, Gets Bitten

If you have to visit Florida for some reason, St. Augustine Alligator Farm Zoological Park should be on your list of sights to see.

But you should visit during normal visiting hours. 

And you definitely shouldn"t jump into the crocodile pit like Florida Man did.

Brandon hatfield florida man mugshot

That"s right, folks. Florida Man is at it again.

On Tuesday morning, discarded clothes and a floating Croc shoe were found floating in the St. Augustine Alligator Farm Zoological Park crocodile pit.

As you can imagine, employees of the St. Augustine alligator farm were alarmed and confused.

The pit is home to three 12-foot Nile crocodiles.

Hopes that the clothes were put there as an ill-conceived prank were soon dashed.

They found blood.

Employees looked at security video, which showed a man break into the farm and jump off of a roof into the crocodile exhibit.

Florida man gator farm break in 04

When employees called the police in concern, police had just received another strange call.

Officers had responded to an incident involving a man wearing only his underwear.

People had seen a strange man crawling "in a concealed manner" while wearing almost nothing and had very correctly called the police.

Not only did surveillance footage confirm that this was the man who had broken into the alligator farm, but it was pretty obvious.

The man"s legs and feets had sustained serious injuries, believed to have been caused by crocodiles.

It seems likely that the man"s bites, from a crocodile species native to Africa rather than from alligators, would have linked him to the break-in even without the video.

Florida man gator farm break in 01

This particular Florida Man was identified as Brandon Keith Hatfield.

The story that he told to police was nothing short of outlandish.

Hatfield claimed that he had been attacked by an alligator.

He didn"t say that it was a wild alligator, but instead claimed that he had encountered an old man who was walking an alligator on a leash.

Hatfield claimed that he was suddenly "surrounded by all these baby alligators."

That bizarre tale would never have explained his injuries under scrutiny.

On top of the evidence that he leapt into the crocodile exhibit, it looks like Hatfield is accused of causing property damage.

He allegedly "damaged numerous exhibits and statues around the complex causing an excess of $ 5,000 in damage."

Jay Ruditis, head of security for alligator farm, verbally narrated the security footage.

"Watch behind him, there’s a croc trying to attack him," Jay says.

"Now it’s dragging him," he narrates. "He will get on the shore. It’s got his foot right now."

"It has a good hold on his leg. It’s kind of pulling him in," he continues. "The croc will flip him, a little death roll in a moment."

Death rolls are how crocodiles disorient, exhaust, and drown their prey. They also use the maneuver to tear off meat from large corpses.

"The croc still has him, so what he does is tries to kick it with his foot," Jay concludes.

Florida man gator farm break in 02

Apparently, Hatfield ended up on the lawn of a neighboring property.

"A little weird to see somebody that early in just boxers," a neighbor remakred. "Going over your wall into your property saying ‘I was held hostage in a pool with gators"

"He says, ‘Yeah, I got bit by alligators.’" the neighbor shares. "Everybody’s looking at him like, ‘OK, he’s got to be on something,""

Police have acknowledged that "he was possibly high on something"

Hatfield has been charged with Burglary, Criminal Mischief, and Violation of Probation

We can"t claim to be shocked to our cores that this guy was on probation.

Florida man gator farm break in 03

We"re glad that he survived, but a little surprised that any Florida Man would apparently mistake crocodiles for alligators.

Alligators are opportunistic predators that will absolutely eat a human if given the chance.

But in general, Floridians see them as a nuisance more than anything else. Like, "oh, one got in the pool again."

Nile crocodiles are one of the largest and most dangerous predators on the face of the planet. These things eat lions.

If we had to guess, we would say that Hatfield only escaped because these captive crocs are well fed and had little motivation.

We"re glad that the crocodiles are okay. They, we should remember, are the true innocents in this story.

Florida man jumps into st augustine crocodile exhibit gets bitte

Friday, May 5, 2017

Porn Star Gets Bitten by Shark While Filming Camera Ad

Molly Cavalli is an adult film actress.

Therefore, she makes a living by writhing around in bed.

In the frightening video below, however, Cavalli is writhing around not in bed and not in ecstasy, but in the water and in a LOT of pain.

The footage was initially shared by TMZ and it features Cavalli being dropped down under water into a shark cage as part of a commercial for a sex camera company"s latest under-water invention.

Donning a tight white bathing suit, the porn star attracted a 10-foot lemon shark, which you can see swimming toward her in the following clip.

As would be expected, Cavalli panics as the shark swims closer… and is then unable to pull her foot back inside the cage before the animal takes a big bite out of it.

Fortunately, the company posted on YouTube that Molly is doing just "fine" after receiving 20 stitches.

"She is in good spirits and grateful for her quick recovery," reads the caption that accompanies this video online.

And she"s also very lucky.

Check out the injury here:

And the full video here:

Porn star gets bitten by shark while filming sex camera ad