Showing posts with label Blatter. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Blatter. Show all posts

Friday, November 10, 2017

Hope Solo Accuses Ex-FIFA Chief Sepp Blatter of Sexual Assault

Hope Solo’s adding her name to the mounting list of women alleging sexual assault at the hands of powerful men … and she points the finger at former FIFA president, Sepp Blatter. The USWNT star revealed the alleged incident in an interview…


Friday, September 25, 2015

FIFA Prez Sepp Blatter -- Swiss Start Search and Seizure in Corruption Probe


breaking news

0925-sepp-blatter-fifa-getty-01FIFA President Sepp Blatter could lose way more than his job — Swiss authorities are picking up where the FBI left off … literally digging into Blatter’s office to investigate rampant corruption.

Blatter has been accused of criminal mismanagement, misappropriation and making “disloyal payments.” Translation: Sepp was allegedly shelling out bribes to other soccer officials, partly to secure TV deals. 

Swiss officials said they searched Sepp’s office in Zurich on Friday and seized data.

The new criminal investigation comes after the FBI’s sting operation in May, which lead to the arrests of 7 FIFA officials. Blatter was untouched in that probe, but no such luck this time around.

As we’ve reported, Blatter already announced he’ll step down after a special election in February. 

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