Showing posts with label Brangelina. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Brangelina. Show all posts

Saturday, October 15, 2016

Brangelina: Face-to-Face Over the Kids!

Brad Pitt was able to officially see his children for the first time in nearly a month; since Angelina Jolie filed for divorce on September 19th, 2016. 

According to People, Pitt was allowed a supervised visit with his children (a therapist was present). 

Pitt had previously committed himself to doing whatever was needed to be compliant with the family services plan put in place, but this seems to be a bit much. 

Sources reported, “Brad loves his children more than anything in this world.” 

“They matter more than anything else to him,” it was revealed.  

“He’ll do whatever it takes to be with them, now and always.”  

Jolie’s plan of offensive action ends on October 20th – at which time Pitt and his capabilities as a parent will be reassessed. 

At this time, Pitt is currently undergoing both individual and family counseling, as well as submitting to voluntary drug and alcohol testing

What nobody seems to be talking about, however, is the pain that Pitt must be enduring as a result of being kept from the children, whom he obviously loves dearly. 

Cara Delevingne spoke out in support of Angelina Jolie, earlier this week, praising her for her strength through her “pain.”

In an Instagram post, Delevingne said, “My admiration for Angelina Jolie is endless.”

“I also admire anyone who transforms their pain into power,” she continued, obviously referring to her struggles with Brad. 

I admire unruly activists,” she fawned. “I admire her continued involvement with the UN as a goodwill ambassador.”

“She is ruthless, determined, and unforgiving in her efforts to make a difference for refugees.” 

Delevingne got one thing right – Angelina sure is ruthless, and when someone gets in her way, you see what happens. 


By all accounts, it looks like Brangelina as a whole will receive joint custody of the children, despite Jolie seeking sole legal and physical custody of the brood. 

California lawyer Kelly Chang Rickert said, “It is absolutely ridiculous to think either of them will end up with no visitation or custody of the children.”

“Visitation and custody are the same in California courts,” she continued.

“When you have visitation, you have custody.”

Regardless of the side you’re taking, you have to admit – Angelina Jolie sure pulled a dick move on the much-beloved Brad Pitt. 
