Showing posts with label Bravely. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Bravely. Show all posts

Monday, January 8, 2018

Bella Thorne Bravely Reveals Details of Sexual Abuse

“Time’s Up” pins, accessories for the movement of those in Hollywood who look forward to when every single predator is exposed, were everywhere at last night’s Golden Globes.

But not everyone speaking out with #TimesUp messages was at the award show. Bella Thorne was among the actresses who shared a very personal story over social media.

And she’s revealing some chilling details of the sexual abuse that she survived as a child.

About a month ago, Bella Thorne revealed that she’s a survivor of molestation.

The revelation may have seemed casual — issued over Twitter in a terse reply — but we can only imagine the level of bravery that it took for her to send that tweet.

What led to her sharing this with the world was a fairly run-of-the-mill Bella Thorne post, in which she praised an outfit by writing: “I would f–k this suit if I could.”

Someone didn’t care for Bella’s words (if you don’t like her brazen tweets, why are you following her?), and tweeted:

“What did Disney do to this girl? I think she was molested.”

That’s a tasteless tweet for a lot of reasons, managing to malign Bella, all of Disney, and also every survivor of childhood sexual abuse who’s ever lived, all in one go.

And then came Bella’s reply:

“Yeah I was. So it wasn’t Disney.”

That is a real punch to the gut. A grim revelation that must have taken a tremendous amount of courage to share with the world.

And now, in a #TimesUp post to Instagram, Bella Thorne is providing more details about the horrors that she survived.

Bella Thorne wrote:

“I was sexually abused and physically growing up from the day I can remember till I was 14..when I finally had the courage to lock my door at night and sit by it.”

No one — and particularly no child — should have to stand vigil over their own physical safety. But that’s what Bella did.

“All damn night. Waiting for someone to take advantage of my life again.”

Some kids stop being abused when they get old enough to fight back, or “too old” for their abuser to remain interested. It sounds like Bella had to free herself.

“Over and over I waited for it to stop and finally it did.”

She knows, however, that she is, in our horrible world, one of the “lucky” ones — because she got out and she’s still alive.

“But some of us aren’t as lucky to get out alive. Please today stand up for every soul Mistreated. #timesup”

So Bella is saying here that she is a survivor of both sexual abuse and physical abuse, and that it went on from her earliest memories until what would have been 2011.

That she had to lock her door at night tells us that, like the overwhelming majority of survivors of abuse, the person (or people) who hurt her was known and presumably trusted by the family.

Bella’s not making a plea for pity. She’s sharing her story to encourage others to fight for people who can’t fight for themselves.

And to fight for those who shouldn’t have to fend for themselves.

Our society and our legal system do almost nothing to protect children.

Bella Thorne isn’t the only woman, famous or otherwise, to come forward with a heartbreaking account of the unspeakable being done to her.

The entire #MeToo movement was born of that.

And from #MeToo, which built ties of sympathy and solidarity, came the #TimesUp movement, for survivors and also their friends and supporters to come after those who set about ruining lives.

We hope that anyone who would do the evil things that Bella Thorne reports faces justice, if they have not already.

We hope that all perpetrators do.


Wednesday, June 29, 2016

15 Celebrities Who Bravely Admitted To Having Abortions

Chelsea Handler said it best in a recent essay, in which she admitted to having two abortions at the age of 16.

"It’s okay if you think it’s not right for women to have abortions — but it’s not your problem, because we decide,” Handler wrote in Playboy"s Freedom issue.

“We have 7.3 billion people on this planet. Anybody who carefully decides not to become a parent — let alone a bad parent, which is what I would have become — should be applauded for making a smart and sustainable decision.

"I’d love for somebody to try to tell me what to do with my body. I dare them.”

See the other celebrities who went public with their decision.

1. Nicki Minaj

Nicki minaj 2016 costume institute gala

Minaj told Rolling Stone that getting an abortion when she was a teen traumatized her. “I thought I was going to die,” she admitted. “It was the hardest thing I have ever gone through. . . It has haunted me all my life.” Minaj is still, however, pro-choice. “It’d be contradictory if I said I wasn’t pro-choice. I wasn’t ready. I didn’t have anything to offer a child,” she explained.

2. Stevie Nicks

Stevie nicks picture

“To give up four babies is to give up a lot that would be here now. So that bothers me, a lot, and really breaks my heart. But they’re gone, so…” Stevie Nicks told VOX in 1992 of her four abortions. “But I couldn’t have because I was too busy. And I had all these commitments.”

3. Jemima Kirke

Jemima kirke photo

“We do have free choice and we are able to do what we want, but then there are these hoops we have to jump through to get [abortions],” the Girls star said in a PSA for the Center For Reproductive Right’s Draw The Line Campagin. “Reproductive issues should be something that women should be able to talk about freely.”

4. Vanessa Williams

Vanessa williams photo

Back in 2012, Williams told ABC’s Nightline that she had an abortion. “Being pregnant is the most frightening thing that happens in your life,” Williams said. “I knew in high school that’s something that I was not prepared to do or fight or struggle with.”

5. Sharon Osbourne

Sharon osbourne red carpet pic

“I had an abortion at 17 and it was the worst thing I ever did,” Osbourne admitted a few years ago. “It was the first time I’d had sex, and that was rotten. I’d always thought it was going to be all violins, and it was just awful. I was two months gone when I realized. I went to my mum and she said, without pausing for breath: ‘You have to get rid of it.’ She told me where the clinic was, then virtually pushed me off. She was so angry. She said I’d got myself in this mess, now she had to get me out. But she didn’t come. I went alone. I was terrified. It was full of other young girls, and we were all terrified and looking at each other and nobody was saying a bloody word. I howled my way through it, and it was horrible.”

6. Whoopi Goldberg

Whoopi goldberg in denim jacket

Goldberg performed an abortion on herself with a coat hanger at the age of 13.

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