Olivia Wilde is a big fan of breastfeeding.
The actress is a mother of two young children and has been one of Hollywood’s more outspoken advocates of providing sustenance to your kids via your boobs.
She recently referred to her new daughter Daisy as a drinking buddy, which made us laugh.
So Wilde knows a lot about this important act.
And she took to Instagram this week in order to pose a few questions about a breastpump ad that continues to follow her around the Internet.
Wilde shared a screen shot of the ad (below) and wrote a lengthy caption that reads as follows:
“Real quick just wanna take a break from online (lazy-person) x mas shopping to call bullshit on this ad for a breast-pump bra cuz this lady definitely did not recently birth a child who requires breastmilk to be pumped.”
But Wilde made a point to emphasize that she was NOT blaming the woman in the ad herself for said “bullshit.”
If anything, Wilde has sympathy for this model.

“Want to give a quick cyber hug to this model who had to pretend to have recently birthed a milk-fed baby-child when she clearly has spent the last year lifting tiny weights and meditating,” Wilde added.
HA! We love it.
Wilde’s post was Liked over 20,000 times in just 12 hours because so many women out there can relate to the points she was making.
Breastfeeding is an especially personal decision a mother makes and, obviously, an especially personal action for a parent to take.
But while many women out there gave Wilde props for speaking out in this (funny) manner, lots of men decided to sit at their computers and explain to Wilde why she was making a big issue out of nothing.
Oh, yes, there was a whole lot of mansplaining in response to Wilde’s commentary. To wit:

Gee, thanks, fellas!
Wilde gave birth to Daisy in mid-October.
She and Jason Sudeikis are now parents to Daisy and her brother, Otis.
“There goes the neighborhood,” wrote the actress upon announcing her second offspring. “Daisy Josephine Sudeikis. Born, like a boss, on #internationaldayofthegirl.”
That would be October 11.
Click on the slideshow above to congratulate Wilde and the other stars who gave birth in 2016.
How exciting for all of them!