Showing posts with label Colette. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Colette. Show all posts

Friday, January 22, 2016

Colette Lush: Is She the Next Carrie Underwood?

Might we be looking at the next American Idol?

Yes, it"s early. Yes, the opening set of auditions only just concluded.

But you must take a look at the way in which Colette Lush blew away the judges in California.

In the following video, we see the 19-year-old girl belting out "Who"s Loving You" by the Jackson 5.

Along with a sense of humor (she joked that natural redheads will allegedly go extinct by 2030), Lush made quite the impression via her effortless, pitch perfect rendition of the classic track.

As Lush sang the single, Jennifer Lopez whispered to Keith Urban:

“I feel like Carrie Underwood just walked in here."

And then once Lush finished, Lopez had a single word for her: wow.

“You really have potential to do well in this competition,” added Lopez, while Keith Urban liked that Lush doesn"t “sound like anyone” else out there, gushing over the aspiring singer and saying:

“You’ve got a timeless quality."

Needless to say, Lush advanced to Hollywood with unanimous approval.

She still has a very long way to go. The show, in its final season of course, still has a very long way to go until it crowns a champion in May.

But we promise you this: you will hear from Colette Lush again.

Take it to the talented bank.

Colette lush is she the next carrie underwood