Showing posts with label Complex. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Complex. Show all posts

Wednesday, June 28, 2017

Woman Kicked Out of Apartment Complex Pool For Wearing ... This Swimsuit

A woman was kicked out of her apartment complex’s swimming pool for wearing a swimsuit that most would likely not consider racy.

It’s a one-piece, and hardly a revealing one by any standards not established by Jim Bob Duggar (this was in Tennessee, not Arkansas).

This is the suit. And her fiance was PISSED.

Swimsuit Side Full

Tyler Newman took to Facebook to reveal that he and his fiancée were at the Smoky Crossing Apartments pool in Seymour, Tenn.

There, Tori Jenkins was allegedly told to either change, cover up with shorts or leave. He wrote along with the photos above and below:

“Tori was accused of wearing a ‘thong bathing suit’ and told there were complaints about [this] after roughly 3 minutes tops, of us arriving there.”

Newman, adding that he and Jenkins paid a $ 300 maintenance fee to be able to use the pool, said he was in “disbelief” over the complaints.

Jenkins decided to go, alone, to the apartment office and “address the issue politely and calmly with the leasing consultant.”

In the leasing office, Newman alleges that the consultant took photos of Jenkins to “show ‘how inappropriate’ her bathing suit was.” 

Newman claimed that the office told Jenkins that children would be uncomfortable on the premises because of the swimsuit.

Offending Swimsuit

“She was told that her body, because it’s built more curvy than others is ‘too inappropriate’ for children to be around,” alleged Newman.

According to her partner, Jenkins was even “told ‘there are a lot of teenage boys in this complex, and you don’t need to excite them.’”

That last line sounds downright Duggar-esque.

“My fiancée being told she should cover up on a 90 degree day in our own apartment pool because she will ‘excite teenage boys’ is bulls–t.”

“I will not stand for this. My fiancée should be able to wear a bathing suit without being sexualized and demeaned. She shouldn’t feel violated.”

Newman also cited the only listed pool policy regarding clothing, stating, “duly appropriate attire must be worn at all times. No cut offs.”

He wasn’t done there, either.

Swimsuit From Back

“Today my fiancée was told that she is less important than how men feel around her. That Tori is less important than a man’s urges.”  

“I think she’s the most beautiful woman in the world, but I also respect her,” Newman went on, saying the apartment complex is part of a bigger issue.

“I would never make her or any other woman feel less than what she’s worth because of her outfit or her looks. This is how rape culture continues to grow.”

“I’ve never seen my fiancée embarrassed to the point where she can’t even look her best friends in the face.”

“I’ve never seen her cry like she did in our apartment today. Never seen her want to be isolated like that.”

“All because some ignorant assholes think they can police the size and shape of her body. I’ve never seen a woman so disrespected.”

Tori and Tyler

As for the specific explanation of why this swimwear was offensive, she was told that a “normal bathing suit covers your entire butt.” 

“Tori explained that yes, she does indeed have a larger butt than a lot of people, and that 95% of the things she wears ride up when she walks.”

Jenkins pointed out that there are obviously different types of bathing suits, but the apartment staff member took the critique even further:

“She was told I wasn’t allowed to spray tanning lotion on parts of her body that she can’t reach, [insisting that] she could reach them herself.”

So wait, the man who is going to marry her can’t put lotion on her back, which she literally can’t reach, because they say she can reach it?

Alternative facts, Smoky Crossing Pool Edition.

Tori Swimsuit

In response, the Smoky Crossing complex told local television outlet WATE in a statement, “Smoky Crossing is a welcoming family community.”

“Multiple residents within our community complained and expressed concerns regarding [Ms. Jenkins]’ swimwear.”

They said that Jenkins was asked to “wrap a towel around herself when she was walking around the pool” but was “never asked to leave.”

“In addition, our leasing agent did not state that Ms. Jenkins swimwear would excite teenage boys,” the leasing company said.

“Ms. Jenkins and Mr. Newman are valued members of our community,” they insisted, challenging Newman’s earlier assertions. 

“However, we feel it is inappropriate to equate requesting Ms. Jenkins to cover up with sexual harassment or rape culture.

“Smoky Crossing denounces harassment in all forms.”
