Showing posts with label Concerned. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Concerned. Show all posts

Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Kim Kardashian is Concerned About Her Vagina

Kim Kardashian is not afraid to show off her vagina.

That much has been made clear by all the Kim Kardashian nude photos that are out there.

But Kim Kardashian is afraid of doing permanent damage to her vagina.

Those who watch Keeping Up with the Kardashians online or on television know why this is the case.

On this past Sunday’s installment of the E! reality series, Kim actually bonded with Scott Disick, talking with Kourtney Kardashian’s annoying baby daddy over… her vagina?


During the episode, Kim told Disick that husband Kanye West has asked her about having a third child “every day for, like, the last week.”

It’s no secret that Kanye wants another child.

Why is Kim hesitant to get pregnant again, though?

“I was like, ‘I don’t think I can carry another one,"” Kim told Scott on Sunday, bring up her lady parts:

“I just think, ‘Ugh, I’ll never be the same down there."”

Disick – who has bedroom experience with someone who has had three children – confirmed to his quasi sister-in-law that “100 percent things change” for a woman after she gives birth many times.

“Like, it’s like throwing a hot dog down a hallway?” Kim asked, using an age-old cliche/joke.

We’ll leave it to our readers to figure out what is the hot dog and what is the hallway in this analogy.

Replied Disick:

“I feel like me and Kanye don’t care about that. It’s the fact that, like, something that big has come in and out of there. Things are just different internally.

“There’s just like bumps and curves, you know what I’m saying? It’s just not the same.”

We know, we know: this is the worst conversation you’ve ever been privy to. We’re very sorry.

“It’s like the same house but the furniture is rearranged,” Kim reasoned in regard to what her vagina will look and feel like if she uses it to make a third child.

“Correct! Exactly!” Scott responded.

“The front door is still the same, but inside the couches have been spread apart and mixed and matched like a hurricane hit.”

A hurricane of sperm, that is. Just in case you lost track of the comparison.

Again, we’re very sorry.

Like we said at the outset, however, and as you can see below, it’s not as though Kim Kardashian’s vagina hasn’t been prime celebrity gossip fodder for years now…

Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Lamar Odom Drinking Again; Friends Concerned, Khloe Kardashian "Helpless"

Lamar Odom thinks he can drink whenever he wants, leaving those close to him – Khloe Kardashian included – feeling helpless and alarmed.

As we reported earlier, just a few months after a near-death experience in a Nevada brothel, Lamar was drinking before church on Easter.

It’s a development that is both shocking – that the star came back from the brink, only to temptations again – and not at the same time.

Sources close to Odom say he feels he can “casually drink” again without consequences, which is why he hit up an Irish pub last weekend.

There, Lamar consumed three Remy Martins … the very same liquor he drank in the Nevada brothel the weekend he nearly died last fall.  

Friends and family alike aren’t buying his “casual drinking” rationale and  are obviously worried that he’s heading down a dark path again.

Odom’s boozing is creating tension between the former NBA pro and wife Khloe Kardashian, who has publicly vowed to help him recover.

Like everyone else close to him and any sane person for that matter, the reality star strongly disagrees with his choice to start drinking.

TMZ claims Odom was adamant about going to church on Easter to publicly show he could function normally and actively after boozing.

Still, a source close to him summed it up best to the site:

“We all are really, really sad he’s decided to do this.”

Khloe, in particular, seems despondent over it.

In typically cryptic, emotional fashion, she Tweeted to her 19 million followers without elaborating, “I hate this feeling … Helpless.”

Not hard to read between the lines there.

Karadshian also re-tweeted posts by minister and TV personality Joel Osteen which could easily be applied to her situation. Such as:

“When something doesn’t work out your way, it doesn’t mean God has failed you. It means He’s planning something better.”

She also re-tweeted: “When you have faith despite how the situation looks, God will move heaven and earth to do what He promised.”

Powerful words. But when it comes to Odom, who – when he’s not at the bar – continues his recovery at a facility near Khloe’s residence?

That faith she speaks of finds itself seriously strained, and is likely to face more difficult tests if Lamar’s depressing behavior continues. 

It’s hard not to feel for her.

Lamar Odom Drinking Again; Friends Concerned, Khloe Kardashian "Helpless"

Lamar Odom thinks he can drink whenever he wants, leaving those close to him – Khloe Kardashian included – feeling helpless and alarmed.

As we reported earlier, just a few months after a near-death experience in a Nevada brothel, Lamar was drinking before church on Easter.

It’s a development that is both shocking – that the star came back from the brink, only to temptations again – and not at the same time.

Sources close to Odom say he feels he can “casually drink” again without consequences, which is why he hit up an Irish pub last weekend.

There, Lamar consumed three Remy Martins … the very same liquor he drank in the Nevada brothel the weekend he nearly died last fall.  

Friends and family alike aren’t buying his “casual drinking” rationale and  are obviously worried that he’s heading down a dark path again.

Odom’s boozing is creating tension between the former NBA pro and wife Khloe Kardashian, who has publicly vowed to help him recover.

Like everyone else close to him and any sane person for that matter, the reality star strongly disagrees with his choice to start drinking.

TMZ claims Odom was adamant about going to church on Easter to publicly show he could function normally and actively after boozing.

Still, a source close to him summed it up best to the site:

“We all are really, really sad he’s decided to do this.”

Khloe, in particular, seems despondent over it.

In typically cryptic, emotional fashion, she Tweeted to her 19 million followers without elaborating, “I hate this feeling … Helpless.”

Not hard to read between the lines there.

Karadshian also re-tweeted posts by minister and TV personality Joel Osteen which could easily be applied to her situation. Such as:

“When something doesn’t work out your way, it doesn’t mean God has failed you. It means He’s planning something better.”

She also re-tweeted: “When you have faith despite how the situation looks, God will move heaven and earth to do what He promised.”

Powerful words. But when it comes to Odom, who – when he’s not at the bar – continues his recovery at a facility near Khloe’s residence?

That faith she speaks of finds itself seriously strained, and is likely to face more difficult tests if Lamar’s depressing behavior continues. 

It’s hard not to feel for her.

Wednesday, September 30, 2015

9 Celebrity Kids Who Have Us Very Concerned

We hope we"re wrong, let"s start by saying that.

We hope the following children go on to live healthy, productive, happy, long lives.

But they"ve each given us reasons to be concerned at the moment, whether it"s through actions of their own or actions by their famous parents.

Scroll down and see if you share our worry…

1. Jaden Smith

Jaden smith video still

He attends weddings dressed as Batman. He Tweets statements such as “I Watch Twilight Every Night” and “When The First Animal Went Extinct That Should’ve Bin A Sign.” This young man seems perpetually out to lunch.

2. Chet Hanx

Chet haze blonde photo

Chet Hanx used to go by Chet Haze. Either way, he’s the troubled son of Tom Hanks and he’s known to have a pretty serious drug problem.

3. Kylie Jenner

Kylie jenner bikini snapshot

She’s young and she’s already rich and famous… what could be the problem?!? Considering how much skin she’s shown at such an early age, and considering the history of her family, we wake up everyday in fear of seeing the headline KYLIE JENNER SEX TAPE: RELEASED!

4. Ali Lohan

Ali lohan hair

We have not heard from Ali Lohan in awhile. This means she is getting her life in order away from the spotlight… or something very bad has happened. The former is always possible when your parents are Dina and Michael Lohan.

5. Indio Downey

Indio downey

Indio Downey was busted with cocaine and charged with a felony count of possession of a controlled substance in 2014. He was later sent to rehab by his father.

6. Cameron Douglas

Cameron douglas

Cameron Douglas, the son of actor Michael Douglas and his ex-wife Diandra Morrell, has been arrested numerous times for various drug offenses. He actually had his lawyer smuggle him drugs in jail, doubling his sentence. He’s due for release in 2018.

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