Showing posts with label Concerning. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Concerning. Show all posts

Monday, October 24, 2016

Demi Lovato Exhibits More Concerning Behavior ... Is She the Next Selena Gomez?

Demi Lovato can’t make up her mind about anything, it seems. 

Just a week after Demi dyed her hair a very flattering blonde, she went and dyed it back to her more natural brunette color. 

If we were talking about another celebrity, this wouldn’t be such a big deal. 

But Demi’s been more than just a little erratic over the years, and this could be far worse than we imagined. 

Let’s take a look at Lovato’s erraticisms over the years, and really examine what this might mean. 

We’re not doctors, and we don’t play them on television, but there could be more happening, here, than meets the eyes. 

Lovato has a history of social media meltdowns. 

Over the years, Demi has quit social media, rejoined it, and quit and rejoined again more times than we can count. 

Then there’s her on-again, off-again relationship with Wilmer Valderrama, who dumped her earlier this year. 

In June, it was reported that the two had called it quits, but not by Demi’s hand. 

The two were said to be together so long that their romantic and sexual relationship had turned brotherly and sisterly. 

Which is a shade of weird we hope to never see Demi rock again. 

“The romance [just] wasn’t what it used to be,” a source revealed. 

Welcome to adult life, children. 

Lovato’s also been candid about her ongoing battle with mental illness, and has often said that she thought she’d “be dead by now.” 

“[When I was younger],” she said, “I lived fast and I was going to die young.” 

“I didn’t think I would make it to 21.” 

But she did, and now she’s 24 years old.  

Lately, though, the brunette-blonde-brunette back-and-forth isn’t the only concerning thing happening. 

Over the weekend, Demi was caught cozying up to legendary letch, John Mayer. 

At a Los Angeles nightclub, it was reported that “John had his arm around Demi and was whispering sweet nothings into her ear.” 

“She was into it,” the source continued. 

“They weren’t making out or anything, but she was giggling the whole time.” 

This is easily even more concerning than Demi’s normal brand of erratic, and we sincerely hope she’s not falling down a rabbit hole of bad decisions. 

John Mayer could easily be Selena Gomez’s Justin Bieber, and simply look how that ended up. 
