Showing posts with label Conquests. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Conquests. Show all posts

Monday, July 9, 2018

Justin Bieber: All His Sexual Conquests, RANKED!

Justin Bieber is no longer a bachelor.

As of July 2018, the singer agreed to reserve his penis for just one woman, stunning the universe when he proposed to Hailey Baldwin.

But don"t feel too badly for Bieber.

Prior to this monumental decision, the artist got plenty of sexual experience under his belt by getting under the sheets with plenty of women.

And we mean PLENTY OF WOMEN.

To be fair, we cannot confirm that Justin nailed every single one of the women below — but he was romantically linked to each at various points by Internet sources, and let"s be honest…

… no young woman out there is just going out for dinner and holding hands with Justin Bieber.

Who could resist this face, these chiseled abs and these dances moves, many of which the women cited here likely assumed would translate to the bedroom?

With Bieber hanging up his bachelorhood, however, it"s time to consider all of his conquests and rank them from "Who the Heck Was That?" to "Man, He"s Really Gonna Miss THAT!"

20. Caitlin Beadles

Caitlin beadles

She met Bieber at church in 2009 after Justin moved from Ontario to Atlanta. The song “Never Let You Go” is allegedly about her. The thing is, if she was Bieber’s first, then the sexual experience probably wasn’t that great. Not her fault.

19. Mandy Rain


Who?!? Our thoughts exactly. This actress supposedly dated Justin around 2009. She starred in the Nickelodeon School Gyrls film alongside Bieber, which is where the pair was spotted getting cozy.

18. Nicola Peltz

Nicola peltz photo

Best known for her role in Transformers: Age of Extinction, the actress dated Bieber in June of 2016. Not much came of it. If the Internet has forgotten about it, we presume Justin didn’t give her high marks in bed.

17. Kristen Rodeheaver

Kristen rodeheaver

Bieber allegedly dated his “One Time” music video co-star Rodeheaver for a brief time in 2009.

16. Jessica Jarrell

Jessica jarrell

Jessica Jarrell opened for Bieber in 2010 on his My World tour. They even held hands once on stage! Justin claimed the two were merely friends, but we’re putting her on this list because we’ve heard otherwise.

15. Jasmine Villegas

Jasmine villegas image

Jasmine Villegas was Bieber’s love interest in the video for “Baby.” The two had great chemistry in that and, we can only assume, also great chemistry behind closed doors.

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