Showing posts with label Corrosive. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Corrosive. Show all posts

Friday, September 2, 2016

Pamela Anderson: Porn is Dangerous, Corrosive!

Pamela Anderson coming out against porn is a bit like Justin Bieber coming out against shirtless photos.

Or Chris Brown coming out against violence toward women.

Or Milo Yiannopoulos coming out against trolling strangers on the Internet.

You get the point.

But here’s why we made those hilarious comparisons:

Because Pamela Anderson has come out against porn!

Typically, when the words “Pamela Anderson” and “come” are in the same sentence, it’s in relation to the star’s active participation in the world of pornography.

But not this time around.

The busty 49-year old made news on Friday by teaming up with Rabbi Schmuley Boteach to write an op-ed for the Wall Street Journal that warns about the many “addictive dangers of pornography.”

Yes, that bears repeating: 

Pamela Anderson and a rabbit have written an article together in which they explain the dangerous of watching adult movies.

In the piece, Anderson and Boteach argue that porn has a “corrosive effect on a man’s soul and on his ability to function as a husband, and by extension, as father.”

They continue:

“This is a public hazard of unprecedented seriousness given how freely available, anonymously accessible and easily disseminated pornography is nowadays.

“How many families will suffer? How many marriages will implode? How many talented men will scrap their most important relationships and careers for a brief onanistic thrill?”

The opinion-based article was published mere days after former Congressman Anthony Weiner was caught in his third sexting scandal.

As a result, wife, Huma Abedin – one of Hillary Clinton’s closest friends and aides – announced that she is separating from her husband of six years.

We only bring this up because Anderson did so.

Reads an excerpt of the op-ed:

“If anyone still doubted the devastation that porn addiction wreaks on those closest to the addict, behold the now-shattered marriage of Mr. Weiner and Huma Abedin, a breakup that she initiated … in shock at the disgraced ex-congressman’s inclusion of their 4-year-old son in one lewd photo that he sent to a near-stranger.”

That’s true.

Weiner really did share a photo with some woman online of himself in bed, in his underwear, with an erection… lying next to his child.

Of course, arguing that a porn ADDICTION can be dangerous is very different than arguing that merely watching porn sometimes can be dangerous.

An addiction to anything is bad for you.

The actress and the religious figure went on to warn that kids raised in the current digital environment will “become adults inured to intimacy and in need of even greater graphic stimulation.

“They are the crack babies of porn.”

What can society do about this problem?

“We must educate ourselves and our children to understand that porn is for losers – a boring, wasteful and dead-end outlet for people too lazy to rep the ample rewards of healthy sexuality.”

The article is noteworthy in general because Anderson made a sex tape in 1995 with then-husband Tommy Lee.

She has also graced the cover of Playboy 14 times.

She even covered the magazine’s final nude issue in January/February of this year.

Does this make Anderson a hypocrite? Or is she saying she’s seen the error of her many naked ways?

And where do we draw the line?

Anderson is known for wearing VERY low-cut dresses or blouses. Is drawing attention to one’s breasts part of the problem? 

Isn’t that also putting sexuality out there for kids to see?

We’d be curious to see Pamela’s take on this question.