Showing posts with label CrockPots. Show all posts
Showing posts with label CrockPots. Show all posts

Thursday, January 25, 2018

This Is Us Fans Curse Out Crock-Pots in Wake of Latest Bombshell

This Is Us Spoiler Alert:

Jack Pearson is about to die.

Granted, fans of this emotional NBC drama have known this for several months, but they were given a major clue as to what leads to Jack’s death on This Is Us Season 2 Episode 13.

On Tuesday’s installment, we were treated to a flashback to Jack and Rebecca’s neighbor, George, gifting the young couple with a crock-pot because he and his wife were cleaning out their house in preparation for a sale.

He warned them at the time that the switch had to be fiddled with and that the item was not in mint condition… but that it still worked.

Fast forward 17 years on the show and we witnessed Jack turning off the crock-pot and leaving the room – only for the switch to somehow turn back on!

It sparked. It ignited a dish towel. And it created an blaze that quickly worked its way through the kitchen

Indeed, it looks very much like Jack will die in a house fire and that it will all be this faulty crock-pot will be to blame.

(We’ll finally find out for certain on this Sunday’s post-Super Bowl episode of This Is Us Season 2.)

As a result of this bombshell, This Is Us fans are seriously peeved.

Not at the show, necessarily, but at the appliance that basically takes Jack’s life.

“I just threw my crock-pot out the window….#ThisIsUs,” one fan Tweeted shortly after Tuesday’s hour ended, while another chimed in as follows:

“I will never accept a crockpot as a gift now #ThisIsUs.”

This people seem pretty darn serious. You do NOT mess with Jack Pearson.

“I get married in less than 2 months and suddenly I feel the need to remove the crockpot from the registry. WE. DONT. NEED. IT.  #ThisIsUs,” added another disgruntled viewer.


In response to another fan asking on the official Crock Pot Facebook page whether the brand would be airing a Super Bowl ad to address this controversy, the company replied:

“Jack Pearson was our Valentine so we equally understand your pain with his loss. We love him and we love you too.

“Don’t further add to our heartbreak by no longer using Crock-Pot Slow Cookers, rest assured our products have been generationally tested by your family and friends.”

Another Internet user named Ruthie pressed the brand for a response to the matter, noting that “so many people are worried now.

Crock-Pot wrote back: “We’re heartbroken over last night’s episode too!… [W]e’re innocent until proven guilty.”

It got to the point where series creator Dan Fogelman had to jump on Twitter and take a moment to remind angry fans about a certain basic facts:

dan f tweet

Later in the day yesterday, as the outcry reached a fevered pitch, Crock-Pot issued the following detailed statement to TV Line:

Crock-Pot understands the concerns brought up by last night’s episode of This Is Us, and we too are heartbroken by the latest development in Jack’s storyline.

However, it is important that our consumers understand and have confidence that all Crock-Pot slow cookers exceed all internal testing protocols and all applicable industry safety standards and regulations as verified by independent third-party testing labs.

For nearly 50 years, with over 100 million Crock-Pots sold, we have never received any consumer complaints similar to the fictional events portrayed in last night’s episode.

In fact, the safety and design of our product renders this type of event nearly impossible.

this is him

Our hope is that the team at NBC’s This Is Us will help us spread factual information regarding our product’s safety.

While we know their primary mission is to entertain – something they have continued to excel in – we also feel they have a responsibility to inform.

Just like many fans, we will be watching next week’s episode to see how Jack’s story progresses and, regardless of the outcome, we want consumers first and foremost to know they are safe when using their Crock-Pot.


Wow, huh?

This Is Us fans mean business.

They may end up bringing down an entire slow cooker industry all by themselves.

To see what all the online fuss is about, click below to watch This Is Us online and check out the latest episode:
