Showing posts with label Daycare. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Daycare. Show all posts

Friday, February 16, 2018

Mom Claims Her Daughter Was WAXED at Daycare

When a parent drops off their child at daycare, they might expect the child to come home with a scratch or maybe a sticker. But you never expect any drastic change.

One mother noticed that something was off when she picked up her daughter from daycare.

In an understandably furious post, she says that her daughter’s eyebrows were waxed.

Waxed Child 01

Alyssa Salgado’s young daughter was attending daycare at the Boys and Girls Club on the Columbia Basin College (CBC) campus in Pasco.

This is what Alyssa wrote on Facebook:

“I take my daughter to the CBC Daycare to be cared for while I’m at school trying to focus on graduating!”

That’s very responsible of her.

“Then I go pick up my daughter yesterday and saw a red mark in between her eye brows.”

Sometimes, kids bump into things (or each other) because they’re just a few years old and are still learning how to exist. But this was different.

“I think it’s a scratch but as soon as a get home I get a closer look these WOMEN decided to WAX MY DAUGHTERS uni brow.”

Waxed Child 02

This photo is before the alleged waxing. Alyssa Salgado was understandably incensed.

“I immediately started to contact the director of the day care in many texts she tried to come up with multiple excuses then this morning I take my daughter in person to the director.”

Unfortunately, she says that this meeting did not go as she intended.

“She laughs in my face telling me a bunch of lies and I do get upset!!!”

This is a horrifying situation.

Not only because someone allegedly did this behind this sweet child’s mother’s back, but because of the pain that this precious child must have endured.

Waxed Child 03

Alyssa’s maternal rant continues.


She’s absolutely right.

“I birthed my daughter and love every little thing about her and these so called women took it upon themselves to correct the way my daughter should look.” 

Significantly, Alyssa says that her daughter is not the only victim of this.

“Not only that it happen to another mother’s son Glenda Maria Cruz. #boysandgirlsclub #kepractionnews #pascopd #pascoSchoolDistrict”

It sounds like, per her allegations, someone at that daycare has some sort of sick agenda.

I will not let this get unnoticed.”

Waxed Child 04

She’s sharing this because she hopes that something can be done.

“I would like this to get out, imagine if this was your son or daughter and if they were waxing them imagine how much pain you would be in….”

Waxing is agonizingly painful, folks. Famously so. For a small child … I can’t imagine anyone wanting to put a child through that.

“I can imagine her calling out mommy and I wasn’t there to protect her I failed her.”

Every parent’s nightmare.

“But I refuse to let this go unnoticed!!!

Waxed Child 05

The Boys and Girls Club of Benton and Franklin Counties says that they have conducted an internal investigation and found that the claims are “unsubstantiated.”

That’s … odd. We’re talking about the same claim from two different parents of two different children. Perhaps we’ll all know more after the Washington State Department of Early Learning concludes its investigation.

Speaking to People, Alyssa Salgado says:

“I’m still waiting for answers from the Boys and Girls Club. [The daycare employees] should know better. They’ve been watching these same kids since they were born and it shouldn’t cross their minds to alter a child’s looks or anything like that.”

Perhaps the worst thing about this story is occasional comments where people say that they think that it’s totally appropriate to wax a preschooler’s face. it is emphatically not.

“They shouldn’t be thinking, ‘Oh, hey, let’s do this. Let’s see how fun this is.’ No, it isn’t.”

Alyssa says that the director claims that she “trusts her staff” and denies that the child was waxed.

“I want them to take responsibility for what they did. What happened is permanent in my mind and in her mind because she is so little.”

Trauma can linger for life, folks. Children can’t process things things as well as adults.

“I just want justice for my daughter. I want the person who did this to apologize to my daughter for what they did to her. I don’t want this to happen again to her or to anybody else.”


Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Maci Bookout SLAMMED for Putting Kids In Daycare

Maci Bookout has never been the most controversial member of the Teen Mom family. 

She’s had her fair share of controversy, but she’s not quite up there with Jenelle Evans and Leah Messer in terms of being trashed all the time. 

That’s not to say she doesn’t get herself in trouble. 

She was pictured drinking during her pregnancy, but she has since confirmed that she did not know she was pregnant at the time. 

She only took a pregnancy test after her husband, Taylor McKinney, suggested it when she commented that she had gained weight.

With the news that she was expecting her third child, Maci quit her social media job in favor of looking after her family. 

Pretty nice of her. Right?!

You can only imagine how fans were shocked to find out that all three of Maci’s children were going to daycare.

Her youngest son, Maverick, is 5 months old. 

“If Maci is staying at home and Taylor seemingly never works, why do Maverick and Jayde need daycare?” one user asked, as another blasted, “What is Maci doing that her kids need daycare?”

It certainly raises a lot of questions.

It’s understandable that she and Taylor could want a break every so often. 

However, with the two of them apparently not working, you would think they would not want to be apart from their children. 

They do run a T-Shirt line together, but probably does not take up much of their time. 

It’s all pretty bizarre, but I’m sure Maci and Taylor will chime in with their two cents at some point in the near future. 

Maci and Taylor recently tied the knot in a beautiful wedding ceremony.

The only cast members that appear to have been in attendance were Catelynn Lowell and Tyler Baltierra. 

Amber was apparently invited, but was recovering from plastic surgery. 

On the other hand, Farrah Abraham is a trouble maker, so she probably never made the guest list. 

The couple are big fans of Bud Light. 

Seriously, whenever there’s a picture of them, they are almost always holding on to a bottle of it for dear life. 

What do you think about all of this?

Hit the comments below!
