Showing posts with label Defends/Threatens. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Defends/Threatens. Show all posts

Monday, July 25, 2016

Amber Rose Defends/Threatens Kanye in Weird Taylor Swift Rant

By now, you’ve almost certainly heard about the situation with Kanye West and Taylor Swift.

But if you’re somehow not in the know, or you’re a Swift fan and you’ve blocked it all out of your memory like Taylor blocked the snake Emojis from her Instagram page, here’s what you’ll need to know to appreciate the latest development:

Kanye’s most recent album included a track called “Famous,” in which he takes a surprising shot at Taylor Swift.

Taylor claimed to be blindsided by the lyrics, but Kanye’s wife, Kim Kardashian, called Swift out with a video in which West is seen calling the singer to get her approval while he was working on the track. 

The music video for “Famous” – which features a nude wax figure of Swift alongside several other celebs – didn’t exactly help matters.

Enter Amber Rose, who recently launched a VH1 talk show as part of her ongoing effort to become known for something other than dating famous rappers.

In the clip below, Amber sounds off on the Kanye-Taylor feud in surprising fashion:

Rose has a unique perspective on the matter because, as she points out, she was Kanye’s date during his infamous interruption of Taylor’s acceptance speech at the VMAs.

The weird thing is that when she talks about that moment, she makes it sound like Kanye was the victim.

She even goes so far as to say his stage rush “wasn’t about Taylor.”

Amber’s whole Wendy Williams-esque gossipy take on the situation is bizarre for a number of reasons.

For starters, whether he intended it or not, Kanye’s interruption was about Taylor, because, ya know, she was one up there winning an award.

Rose goes on to talk about the fallout from the situation like West is blameless, despite the fact that he was the grown-ass man who perpetrated what can only be described as a colossal dick move.

And, of course, all of this is especially strange coming from Rose, who has been publicly trashed by Kanye on numerous occasions.

At least she closes out by threatening to reveal more about Kanye’s sexual quirks. #FingersInTheBootyAssBitchForever