Showing posts with label Desecreation. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Desecreation. Show all posts

Wednesday, July 6, 2016

Kaley Cuoco Apologizes for Alleged Desecreation of American Flag

Kaley Cuoco may star on The Big Bang Theory…

… but the actress got herself into a big ole heap of trouble on Monday.

The beloved star drew harsh rebuke across social media for sharing a photo of her dogs sitting on the American flag in celebration of July Fourth.

Many folks believe the flag should never even touch the ground, so you can imagine their reaction upon seeing it touch the ground AND the rear ends of two canines.

Actually, you don’t have to imagine.

Here is what one angry Twitter user wrote in response to the incident:

“Why the f–k is your dog running its a–hole on the f–king flag?!?! I get that your trying to act patriotic but this is definitely in VERY bad taste!!!”

And here is the photo in question:

In response to the scandal, Cuoco deleted the image and shared the following long note of apology:

“I would like to comment on a photo I posted yesterday, that has caused lots of controversy.

“First off, please know, I have the utmost respect for my country. I am a proud American in every sense of the word. I understand the American flag stands for our freedom and represents American heroes, past and present.

“Yesterday I made a mistake by posting the picture that was taken of my sweet dogs posing on an American flag. I sincerely apologize to anyone that has been offended by my previous post.

“This is no way reflects my feelings toward what the American flag represents. Living in the public eye, can be extremely difficult at times. Every mistake and every imperfection is amplified. I am not perfect.

“I am a proud American, today, tomorrow, always.”

And she also has some pretty awesome pants:

Cuoco is one of the most outspoken animal lovers and advocates in Hollywood.

She had strong words to say herself in May when a gorilla was killed at the Cincinnati Zoo after a four-year old fell into the animal’s enclosure.

In this case, we think she really did make an honest mistake and we don’t doubt the star’s love for her country. Do you?

This is someone who has won Instagram on numerous occasions, remember.

So it’s okay if she loses on the platform every note and then.