Showing posts with label Divers. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Divers. Show all posts

Wednesday, August 10, 2016

Rio Olympics: NBC Makes Divers Look Naked, Internet Doesn"t Complain

On August 9th, the Men"s Diving Synchronised 3m Springboard Final took place, and Great Britain won gold.

Also, a strategically placed score bar made the competitors look naked.  And since they wore nothing more than a standard Speedo, it turned out to be quite the evening for viewers at home.

Naturally, the internet found the whole thing funny, and Twitter was chock full of with Naked Swimming comments.


1. Hello, Boys!

Naked diving twitter pic

Just watching a bit of competition. Certainly not oogling nearly naked bodies.

2. Must-See TV, Indeed

Naked diving

She’s not complaining.

3. Men’s Diving Is My New Favorite Sport

Italy diving team

This should be a nightly competition. Does the International Olympic Committee have a suggestion box?

4. Classic Caption, NBC

Us diving team

Yup, that’s his actual name.

5. Don’t Mind Us, Tom Daley

Tom daley pic

Carry on…

6. Are You Boys Wearing Anything Under That Bar?

Chinese diving team

Asking for a friend.

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