Showing posts with label Drones. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Drones. Show all posts

Wednesday, March 28, 2018

Coachella Police Train For Possible Massacre With Tourniquets, Drones

Law enforcement at Coachella is bracing for the possibility of a Vegas-like massacre, and it’s taking radical steps to make sure it thwarts any plot and protects concertgoers. If, God forbid, something does happen, first responders will be…


Saturday, February 18, 2017

President Trump ... Mar-a-Lago Protected from Planes, Drones and Rockets

President Trump’s Winter White House is in an aerial bubble … with major restrictions on drones and other aircraft flying within miles of Mar-a-Lago. Drones cannot be flown within a 10 nautical mile radius of the area surrounding the president’s…
