Showing posts with label Embodies. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Embodies. Show all posts

Thursday, August 10, 2017

"Slurpie Dad"s" Life Lesson to Son Embodies Good Parenting

The internet, just like life, is full of horror stories thanks to humanity"s overabundance of terrible, awful parents.

Thankfully, this is not one of those stories.

This is the very well-circulated story of a father and his young son.

The son spills a slurpie, which is a nightmare of a mess at the best of times.

But the dad is super calm about it and, as they clean it up 

A woman who observed this, a young mother herself, shared it on Facebook.

And, well, it spread and spread to others as the touching story of good parenting spread across multiple social media platforms.

The original poster even shared an update — and a selfie with the fabled good dad himself.

Responses included praise, doubt at the story"s authenticity, and people fondly sharing their own memories of similar life moments.

But let"s start with the original Facebook post:








1. Kalynne Marie is a mother herself

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Sometimes it helps to recognize good parenting if you’re a good parent yourself.

2. Now for the story

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Messes are zero fun.

3. Then comes the life advice:

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That’s … really good. She probably paraphrased a little, but that’s great to hear. Especially from a parent.

4. Time for the applause, applause, applause

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There aren’t enough good parents in the world. The good ones should be celebrated.

5. And a follow-up

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That’s good advice for adults, too.

6. And another follow-up, much later:

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We also have the selfie for you, below

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