Showing posts with label Ethic. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Ethic. Show all posts

Friday, January 8, 2016

Kim Kardashian Reveals Kylie Jenner"s Awful Work Ethic

It"s Fashion Week, and the Kardashian girls are taking full advantage.

In a teaser for Sunday"s Keeping Up With The Kardashians, Kim sat Kylie down for what she hoped would be a briefing on how to act professional.  

Kanye invited Kylie back to walk in his second Fashion Week show, and Kim wanted to make sure that Kylie knew what a big deal it was for her baby sister to be asked back.

"I just wanted to go over with you…so you"re going to walk in Kanye"s show, like last time," Kim explained to Kylie, according to Fishwrapper.

Kylie"s reaction: "Ohhhhhh."

"I feel like you"re totally, like, the vibe of Yeezy," Kim explained.

"Yeah no," Kylie agreed.  "I loved doing it."

In her one-on-one interview, Kim explained that Kanye wanted to hired Kylie again because the 18-year-old has a "really cool, unique look," and Kanye "wants kind of, like, these underground, really cool vibes."

There are, however, rumblings of a crap work ethic, which doesn"t fly with Kim.

"I always get nervous," Kim admitted.

"I"ve been hearing things like Kylie makes people wait "cause she"s on her phone.  Or if she"s at photo shoots, she brings a ton of friends," Kim explained.

"So I just want Kylie to know, just because Kanye"s family, like, this isn"t like a casual situation.  She has to be really professional and go with the flow."

Kim tried to subtly explain this to Kylie, who didn"t seem to pick it up.

"You know, he"s, like, such a perfectionist, obviously, and this is a really big deal to do a second show," Kim said gently.

"I just want you to, like, be profesh," Kim hinted to Kylie, as the youth tapped away at her phone.

"No I will," Kylie said, putting down her phone.  "I"m so excited."

"You were last time," Kim reminded her.

Put down the damn phone, leave your friends at home and BE PROFESH, Kylie.

Kim kardashian reveals kylie jenners awful work ethic