Showing posts with label EvansKailyn. Show all posts
Showing posts with label EvansKailyn. Show all posts

Friday, December 29, 2017

Jenelle Evans-Kailyn Lowry Feud Heats Up on Twitter!

When Jenelle Evans sent cease and desist letters to her Teen Mom 2 cast mates last month, fans were understandably curious about all the secrecy surrounding Evans" personal life.

Jenelle gave the impression that she was simply tired of her co-stars spreading false rumors.

But as she proved this week, the newly-married mother of three certainly isn"t above spreading fake news on her own social media accounts.

Kailyn Lowry recently decided to call Jenelle out on her hypocrisy, and predictably, things got ugly in a hurry… 

1. Happier Times

Jenelle and kailyn

Jenelle and Kailyn were never exactly BFFs, but there was a time when they were able to at least remain on civil terms with one another. Needless to say, those days are long gone.

2. Throwing Shade

Throwing shade

Jenelle posted an article questioning the paternity of Kailyn’s youngest son. As you can see, Kail was quick to call BS.

3. Jenelle Claps Back

Jenelle evans promoting lipstick

Never one to shy away from a conflict, Jenelle was quick to address Kailyn’s claims as only she can…

4. Screenshots


Jenelle accused Kailyn of playing dumb with regard to the factually inaccurate content whe allegedly shared with her followers. “I have sent you screenshots of the tweets you’ve posted over the years. They we’re included in your letter but you don’t care to mention that part,” Evans tweeted.

5. The Thirst

The thirst

“For you to get on here AGAIN to tweet about some drama goes to show how thirsty you are for attention constantly, you try way too hard. It’s funny,” Jenelle added.



Just to drive her point home, Jenelle fired off this tweet without mentioning Kailyn by name. She clearly thought of this as her mic drop moment, but the beef was far from over…

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