Showing posts with label ExBoyfriend's. Show all posts
Showing posts with label ExBoyfriend's. Show all posts

Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Michelle Suzanne Hadley Poses as Ex-Boyfriend"s Pregnant Wife, Responds to Craigslist Rape Ads

A California woman is accused of posing as her ex’s pregnant wife and responding to Craiglist fantasy rape ads with her contact info.

Seriously. That takes a rare kind of twisted human …

In other words, she tried to get strangers on Craigslist to go rape her former boyfriend’s current wife by pretending to be her.

Literal, sociopathic, life-sentence revenge porn.

Michelle Suzanne Hadley, 29, was arrested last month. She appeared in court this past Monday, July 18 and was charged with 10 felonies.

Most notable among them? Stalking despite a restraining order, making threats, assault and attempted forcible rape, CBS News reports.

Yes, attempted forcible rape. Even though other people were the ones trying to commit said rape, Hadley was the catalyst for this act.

Hadley was involved a two-year relationship in 2014-15 with the victim’s husband, a U.S. Marshals Service agent, according to authorities.

They split up, and he began dating his now-wife, whose identity has not been released; “Jane Doe” is what she’s called in court documents.

Prosecutors say Hadley sent photos of “Jane Doe” to men, and details about her daily schedule so they knew when she would be alone.

“Hadley is accused of telling the [Craigslist] responders that the victim wanted the responders to have forcible intercourse with her.”

The D.A.’s office said, per the L.A. Times:

“Even if she screamed or resisted.”

As a result of the ads and Hadley’s responses, several men showed up at Jane Doe’s home in Anaheim, Calif., with the intent of raping her.

Fortunately, they were unsuccessful.

One of them attacked her, but fled as she called for help; Hadley was subsequently arrested by the Anaheim Police Department on June 24.

She was released on $ 100,000 bail, after which authorities said she continued to threaten Jane Doe in emails and respond to rape ads.

Police arrested Hadley again on July 14, and raised the bail amount to $ 1 million. She faces a maximum sentence of life in state prison.

Orange County Deputy District Attorney Richard Zimmer summed it up as well as one can when he told a local ABC television station:

“The fact that somebody would go to such lengths to get some sort of revenge on an innocent person, it’s pretty shocking.”