Showing posts with label Halo. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Halo. Show all posts

Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Beyonce Dedicates "Halo" to Orlando Shooting Victims

Beyonce has become the latest celebrity to pay moving tribute to the victims of last weekend"s terrorist attack in Orlando.

Not by getting a tattoo on her head, but by singing an emotional version of one of her biggest hits.

The artist stopped by Detroit on Tuesday night as part of her Formation Tour, stopping for a moment prior to performing "Halo" in order to tell the crowd that this would be a special rendition.

"This next song is about love and I"d like to dedicate it to all of the family members that had family that lost their lives in Florida," she told attendees.

Beyonce, of course, was referencing the horrific actions taken on Saturday night and Sunday morning by a terrorist named Omar Mateen.

He entered a gay nightclub called Pure and used a semi-automatic weapon to kill 49 people, while wounding several others.

Prior to this performance, Beyonce shared a photo on Instagram of a floral peace sign with the caption, "Condolences and prayers to Orlando."

Over the past few days, many other stars have also sent their condolences to the victims in this tragedy via song or speech.

Lady Gaga, for example, broke down in tears as a candlelight vigil in Las Angeles:

Late night hosts such as John Oliver, Conan O"Brien and Jimmy Fallon also expressed powerful messages to their viewers:

Then there was Adele, who tried to fight back tears while talking about the incident prior to a concert overseas:

Will new gun regulations be passed across the country as a result of this despicable action?

Will anything actually change after the deadliest shooting massacre in U.S. history?

Or will we tragically be hearing similar sentiments from stars such as these at some point again in the near future?

Check out Beyonce"s tribute below:

Beyonce dedicates halo to orlando shooting victims