Showing posts with label Javid. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Javid. Show all posts

Friday, October 5, 2018

Mercedes Javid: Pregnant With First Child!!

In April, Mercedes “MJ” Javid and longtime boyfriend Tommy Feight were married after years of ups and downs.

Now, this Shahs of Sunset couple has even bigger news.

They’re expecting their first child!

Us Weekly reports that Shahs of Sunset star Mercedes Javid is pregnant!

She and her husband, Tommy Feight, are expecting their first child together.

According to the tabloid’s source, the couple first told Mercedes’ mother.

They then told the rest of the cast of Shahs of Sunset on Thursday, October 4 while filming the reunion special.

This is amazing news!

Mercedes has previously spoken about in-vitro fertilization and the sensibility of freezing one’s eggs.

“I really want all women who are single and 35 years old to run to their fertility doctors and get it done,” she suggests.

This is, of course, only directed at those who want to have children.

“I just think it’s really awful to wait and put it off until you’re over 40,” she confesses.

Mercedes says that she feels this way “because you’re just increasing your odds and you’re just making it harder for yourself.”

“And don’t worry about the costs,” she says, possibly forgetting that not everyone is rich.

Earlier this summer, she had “almost completed the [IVF] progress,” sources said.

“it is a lot of hormones that can make us feel crazy,” she admits, referring to the hormone injections one receives prior to getting eggs harvested.

“The truth is that I have a lot of ups and downs,” she confesses. “Moment to moment, especially on the hormones from IVF stuff.”

“You retain a lot of water,” she cautions those who would heed her advice and walk in her footsteps.

“You feel really great one moment and then terrible another moment,” she adds.

Yep. Hormones can make a person go a little nuts for a while.

“That’s the reason why I share because,” Mercedes begins.

She says: “In my Instagram Stories for instance, I’ll say, ‘I don’t feel good today, but I want everyone else to know not to beat themselves up, to be kind to yourself and know that those days happen to everyone.’”

“That’s how we connect to people,” Mercedes explains.

It always feels good to help others by using your own experiences.

“If you’re going through something and you and I share that,” she reasons. “[That’s] how much we just closed the gap between the two of us.”

Mercedes Javid and Tommy Feight have had, as we mentioned, some ups and downs during the course of their tumultuous relationship.

So some may be nervous about these two stars in particular being responsible for a new, tiny, helpless human being.

But it is the hope of fans that the fact that they decided to finally tie the knot is a sign that they had worked out previous issues and are a happier, healthier couple.

This is amazing news. We’re just sorry that her late father isn’t around to meet this granchild.

We can’t wait to watch Shahs of Sunset online and, hopefully, see MJ’s co-stars react to her huge news.


Monday, April 23, 2018

Mercedes Javid and Tommy Feight: Married!!

So soon after Shahs of Sunset fans celebrated the news of former star Lilly Ghalichi’s pregnancy, there’s different wonderful news about Mercedes Javid.

Her relationship with longtime boyfriend Tommy Feight has had its ups and downs.

Now, however, the two have officially married!

Us Weekly reports that a source confirmed to them that Mercedes Javid and Tommy Feight are married.

The two of them dated for years after meeting each other on Tinder back in 2015.

On Saturday, April 21, the two of them tied the knot in a ceremony at a hotel in West Hollywood.

The ceremony took place on the roof, giving the entire wedding party and the guests a beautiful view of L.A. skyline.

From this report, it sounds like the actual ceremony was a delight.

First of all, among those invited was MJ’s Shahs of Sunset costar, Reza Farahan.

He would stand out in any crowd, but he was part of the wedding party.

Specifically, Reza was MJ’s Man of Honor, a role that’s been growing increasingly popular in recent years as people question gender roles that don’t seem to serve any purpose.

(MJ did also have bridesmaids, however)

Best of all, MJ’s dog played a role in the ceremony, which might be the best thing that we’ve ever heard.

He was the ringbearer.

MJ spoke just hours before the ceremony about what is often a stressful and intense day of preparations.

“I’m the most relaxed one in the room!”

But that doesn’t mean that she was completely prepared.

In fact, she admitted that she had not yet written her wedding vows.

“I’m thinking about winging it.”

(If you’re completely horrified by someone not knowing those in advance … I’m right there with you)

The guest list, however, was a no-brainer.

“Every single person invited is someone that is a really important part of my life and Tommy’s as well.”

MJ divulged that she had high hopes that the wedding and ensuing reception would go at a crawl.

Specifically, she wanted things to move “in slow motion because everyone says that it goes by so quickly.”

She wanted to savor her wedding.

MJ was also anticipating “the love that is going to be surrounding us.”

Her relationship with Tommy was rocky at times.

On Season 5, Episode 8 of Shahs of Sunset, the two had a very unpleasant-sounding argument while in the car.

To the point where she began to open her door while the car was moving.

Normally, we’d say that people having an argument like that don’t belong together, despite what romance-heavy TV dramas might tell you.

But it looks like they worked out their various relationship issues well enough over the past couple of years.

Back in October, MJ had dished that she had always longed for a spring wedding (as if that matters in L.A.).

It looks like she got her wish.
