Showing posts with label Kardashian/Blac. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Kardashian/Blac. Show all posts

Wednesday, July 5, 2017

Snoop Dogg Weighs In on Rob Kardashian/Blac Chyna Feud!

Honestly, Rob Kardashian"s feud with Blac Chyna is explosive and bonkers and probably isn"t due to go away any time soon. The whole thing is nuts and Rob is tweeting so impulsively and unwisely that it"s downright Presidential.

But now Snoop Dogg is weighing in on the feud. Is Snoop Dogg"s Instagram the relationship advice column we never knew we needed?

Please, take a few moments to watch this video. It will brighten your view of the situation and will hopefully improve your whole day.

So, if you somehow missed this, Rob Kardashian"s been posting nudes of the mother of his child to get revenge on her, because he claims that she"s been cheating.

After Instagram shut down his whole page for obvious reasons, he reposted Chyna"s nudes on Twitter.

Yes, that is tasteless and creepy and some wonder if Rob Kardashian will be prosecuted for revenge porn as a result.

Nobody ever accused Rob of emotional maturity, though.

Before things took a more serious turn with Blac Chyna accusing Rob Kardashian of domestic violence

All of this after they so very recently had a transparent photo op … we mean, meaningful family trip … to Disneyland with Dream.

Snoop"s take is mostly that he has zero sympathy for Rob in this situation.

"He knew what he was getting into when he got her."

Not to be mean to Rob, but there was a hotness disparity.

There usually is when there"s this big of a wealth disparity.

Also, like, Blac Chyna already had a son with Kylie Jenner"s then-boyfriend, so she didn"t just show up out of nowhere like some femme fatale.

Rob had to have known that their relationship didn"t start by accident, right?

"She is what she is, she wants what she wants, man."

That"s true of everyone, right?

Then Snoop goes off.

"Quit crying to the internet."

Maybe someone will sympathize with Rob, but we sure aren"t.

"You"ve got more money to burn — go buy you another."

That is hilarious and possibly misogynistic but we all know what Snoop means, right?

"Blac Chyna just did what she was supposed to do."

And what is that, you wonder?

Don"t worry — Snoop spells it out:

"She seen a sucker, she licked it."

That line had us in stitches.


Snoop closes out this magical video with a piece of advice for everyone.

"All you suckers out there — don"t get licked. Do the licking."

Somebody get this man a weekly advice column right now, please.

No word yet on whether Martha Stewart plans to weigh in on the couple"s feud.

But first, watch Snoop Dogg say all of this in his own words:

Snoop dogg talks rob kardashian slash blac chyna feud