Showing posts with label Komplaining. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Komplaining. Show all posts

Sunday, November 15, 2015

Kim Kardashian Keeps Komplaining About Pregnancy

In case you have not heard, Kim Kardashian really hates being pregnant

Although we’re guessing you have heard. Because Kim Kardashian loves telling everyone that she hates being pregnant.

The reality star expressed disdain for this miraculous state to E! News last week, telling the outlet that pregnancy is awful.

And now she’s at it again.

Talking to Ryan Seacrest (a producer on Keeping Up with the Kardashians) on his radio show, the soon-to-be mother of two first whined about her overwhelming life.

“My husband needs a lot of attention, each kid needs a lot of attention, I work a lot, [and] I want to be able to give everyone just the same amount of attention,” she said.

This may be a legitimate concern, but come on, Kim.

You have millions of dollars and a job with very flexible hours.

Perhaps you should think about women in large families who truly must work all day to make ends meet before you open your mouth.

Having gained 52 pounds in this pregnancy, Kardashian went on to say the following:

“I am so over it… I am beyond over it. I said this last time. I said I am done. Don’t ever make me go through that again…

“How miserable it is, swollen feet and heartburn. It is the worst.”

Kim and Kanye West are expecting a son toward the end of December.

“I think sometimes they [people] think I am ungrateful for being pregnant,” she added. “It was really hard this time for me to get pregnant. …[but] at the end of the day it doesn’t mean I have to like it.”

That’s definitely true. But it doesn’t mean she has to complain about it, either. At least not in public.