Showing posts with label Lambert's. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Lambert's. Show all posts

Thursday, May 17, 2018

Miranda Lambert"s Married Boyfriend Files For Divorce

As you may have heard, Miranda Lambert is dating Evan Felker, and the relationship is reportedly moving along nicely – except for one tiny problem:

Evan is married.

It’s a minor detail, but one that’s caused considerable inconvenience for Miranda.

She’s been forced to deal with her ex-husband, Blake Shelton, making cryptic comments about “karma.”

She’s been called out as a homewrecker by Felker’s wife, who is understandably less than thrilled with the situation.

Needless to say, the whole thing hasn’t done any wonders for Miranda’s reputation, so it should come as no surprise that she and Evan are taking steps to make things right.

No, we don’t mean they’re breaking up – quite the opposite, in fact.

According to Us Weekly, Evan filed for divorce from his wife, Staci Felker, earlier this week.

No one is claiming that Miranda put him up to it, but … we’re guessing she didn’t exactly stand in his way, either.

Lambert is likely to face even more allegations of heartless homewrecking as a result of the filing, but those who know the Felkers best say this move has been a long time coming.

“Anyone who actually speaks to Staci knows she has wanted out of this marriage for months. Evan is the one who disappeared again and changed his phone number,” says one insider.

“They both planned to end this quietly. Staci has never wanted to go to court and Evan told Staci he did not want to either, so there is probably someone a little more powerful dictating all of this.”

But just because the Felkers marriage dissolved slowly over time, that doesn’t mean there are no hard feelings.

The same day that Evan filed for divorce, Staci posted a photo of a book with the title:


She also changed her Instagram profile pic to a photo from her wedding day.

We think it’s safe to say you won’t be seeing Staci at a Miranda Lambert concert anytime soon.

Unless, of course, she comes equipped with a whole bunch of rotten produce.
