Showing posts with label Mara. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Mara. Show all posts

Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Jake Gyllenhaal & Rooney Mara: Dating?!

Over the course of his career, Jake Gyllenhaal has been the subject of more dating rumors than Taylor Swift.

Most recently, it was rumored that Gyllenhaal was dating Dakota Johnson of 50 Shades of Grey fame.

Just prior to that, there were reports of Gyllenhaal hooking up with Susan Sarandon.

Like we said, Jake might be the only man in Hollywood who’s been one half of more celebrity couples (real and imagined) than Ms. Swift … whom he also dated.

So take the latest rumors about Gyllenhaal’s love life with more grains of salt than a bag of pretzels:

According to Hollywood Life and several other media outlets, Gyllenhaal has been spotted out and about in NYC with actress Rooney Mara.

You might remember Mara from her role in the The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo, or her acclaimed turn in last year’s Carol.

Though not exactly a household name, Mara has en extremely bright future ahead of her.

Oh, plus her family owns both the Pittsburgh Steelers and the New York Giants.

So you know – even if this whole acting thing doesn’t work out, she’ll probably be okay.

Again, Jake’s been connected to more famous women than the Lifetime network, so we’ll believe these two are really an item only after we hear some sort of official confirmation.

Still, there’s no denying these two would make a lovely couple.

Unless it turns out that Jake is a big Philadelphia Eagles fan, than all bets are off.

Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Mara Wilson Comes Out as Bisexual, Shows Support for LGBT Community

As previously detailed, there have been a slew of inspiring celebrity reactions in light of this weekend’s horrific shooting in Orlando.

But none along the lines of what Mara Wilson just did.

Following Sunday’s tragic massacre at a gay club in Orlando, the 28-year old actress took to Twitter and confirmed to followers that she is bisexual.

She did so in a series of Tweets that include a photo of her 18-year old self at a gay club (below).

“Me at a gay club when I was eighteen. I feel embarrassed looking at it now…,” Wilson wrote as a caption to the following image, kicking off her announcement.

“Being a ‘straight girl’ where I clearly didn’t belong, but I will say, I felt so welcomed there,” she added.

“I have never had a better experience at a club than I did then. Great music and people. And one of my friends met his partner that night.”

Soon before writing that, yes, she is “bi,” Wilson Tweeted:

“I haven’t been to one since college, except once when a friend brought me along. I didn’t feel like I belonged there.

“But the LGBTQ community has always felt like home, especially a few years later when I, uh, learned something about myself. So thank you.”

Of course, because this is the Internet, critics jumped all over Wilson.

They accused her of exploiting the Orlando shooting for a personal reason, despite her simple desire of wanting to show support to the LGBT community.

“Apparently admitting to something personal in a reply on my own Twitter makes me an “attention whore” “co-opting a tragedy,” she wrote in response to these terrible people.

Wilson, who added links to President Obama’s recent speech on gun control and to a GoFundMe page created in honor of the shooting victims, said she has no plans to give interviews… and isn’t looking for any real attention.

“Can I go back to tweeting about Hamilton and cats now? Please,” she wrote, prior to concluding:

“I think I’m going to stay off Twitter for a few days. I had no idea this would be such a thing, but I guess it’s flattering.”

We salute Wilson for her courage.