Showing posts with label Mazdzer. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Mazdzer. Show all posts

Sunday, February 18, 2018

Olympic Luge Medalist Chris Mazdzer, I"m Getting Lots of Sexual DMs!!!

Olympic luger Chris Mazdzer’s historic silver-medal finish didn’t just come with one of those cute plush white tigers … it came with a buttload of dirty messages, since his win also made him a big heartthrob. Mazdzer became the…


Tuesday, February 13, 2018

Olympic Luger Chris Mazdzer Knows How Not to be Ryan Lochte in PyeongChang

America’s Olympic Luger Chris Mazdzer says he isn’t having any issues in or out of the Olympic village in PyeongChang ‘cause Ryan Lochte taught him exactly what NOT to do.  Chris just made history as the first American man to…


Olympic Luger Chris Mazdzer Knows How Not to be Ryan Lochte in PyeongChang

America’s Olympic Luger Chris Mazdzer says he isn’t having any issues in or out of the Olympic village in PyeongChang ‘cause Ryan Lochte taught him exactly what NOT to do.  Chris just made history as the first American man to…
