Showing posts with label Measurements. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Measurements. Show all posts

Tuesday, February 13, 2018

Kim Kardashian: These Are My EXTREME Body Measurements

Kim Kardashian’s curves are legendary. She once had a booty pic break the internet, folks. 

Now Kim is bragging that she’s pushed her figure — and particularly her narrow waistline — to new extremes.

And she’s not afraid to share her new, extreme measurements.

Fresh off of being slammed for a controversial nude pic that was taken by her daughter, Kim chats with sister Kourtney Kardashian and beloved Twitter queen Chrissy Teigen.

In a video shared on Kim Kardashian’s app, Kim reveals her exact measurements.

“My waist, guess how much it is? Twenty-four. Yeah, it’s never been 24 ever in my life. My hips are 39.”

Keep in mind that, though most of us consider our waistline to be where our (normal, non-high-waisted) pants rest, when you’re talking about clothing and waist measurements, a woman’s “natural waistline” is going to be just above her navel but below her ribcage.

Kim’s waistline is an extremely narrow one, even for a woman as tiny as she is (she’s, like, 5-foot-3; that whole family is so little).

In contrast to her hips, though … it’s almost too much to imagine. Fortunately, there are photos:

(Kim captioned this photo: “Forgot to post this last night,” which is a profoundly casual way of advertising a look like this)

Even seeing Kim’s waist-to-hips ratio for yourself, and even though we’ve all seen Kim’s nude pics, it almost defies belief.

Kourtney is particularly blown away, marking that she cannot “take her hips seriously,” because Kim’s “waist is so small,” and her “hips are so big.”

It’s not that no one else on the planet has a tiny waist — Kourtney’s pretty small herself — but Kim loses weight from her legs and tummy, keeping them trim, while her butt and hips and breasts remain as lively as ever.

Hey, different bodies store and burn fat differently. Some people gain weight and their faces are largely untouched; other people have slender figures but still have very soft features.

In case anyone missed the point, Kim shared this:

Wearing Fendi logo leggings and a matching top, Kim arches on her hands and knees in what some mgiht describe as a suggestive pose.

This pose doesn’t quite show off her boobs, but it certainly highlights the curve of her butt.

More significantly, you can see exactly how shockingly thin Kim Kardashian’s waist is.

(We’re not body-shaming her over redefining hourglass figures, but it’s still shocking to see that kind of incredible body contrast)

How exactly does Kim do this?

We all wish that there were some secret alien Illuminati pizzagate clone serum that celebrities passed around that let them have whatever figure they want without sacrificing their happiness.

Unfortunately, there is now.

Though Kim has access to the best healthcare in the world, she maintains her figure through diet and exercise.

And also the use of waist-trainers. Though some medical professionals have pointed out that your average waist-trainer that you’ll see advertised on Instagram isn’t likely to work beyond a sort of placebo effect …

(Basically, you feel better about your body while wearing it and are therefore more driven to exercise and diet)

Some truly dedicated stars, like Kim, use waist-trainers with effectiveness. And the results are hard to miss.

We don’t want to speak over Kim or any expert, but it looks like the real key to Kim’s figure is … obsession.

Obsession with her figure — remember how quickly she trimmed down after giving birth to Saint? Obsession with her weight and measurements.

Those nudes and photos that we see might not just be Kim loving her body and maintaining her brand image.

In a way, they might be like those “daily accountability photos” that people share on social media in order to keep themselves from slacking off.

Kim’s brand is very much tied to her figure and to her body. That’s a huge part of why she shows it so much.

But she’s created a work of art; why shouldn’t she put it on display if she wants to?
