Showing posts with label Moving. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Moving. Show all posts

Sunday, September 13, 2015

Bristol Palin -- Stalker Says, "I"m Moving In" ... And Here"s My Coffee Pot



0911-bristol-palin-getty-01Bristol Palin has a deranged suitor who believes he’s her son’s daddy and wants to do the right thing … by moving in with her.

Michael Cummings had a box and suitcase delivered to the P.O. box for Todd and Sarah Palin‘s Wasilla home, packed with his belongings, including a Keurig coffee machine.

He’s been a thorn in Bristol’s side for a long time, sending her an engagement ring, showing up at birthday parties and leaving a knife in her mailbox. She got protective orders in the past, but they’ve all expired.

So Bristol went back to court and got another one, ordering him to stay 1,000 feet clear of her and her family.

Here’s the problem … people who are mentally disturbed are the least likely to obey stay away orders. But it’s the best Bristol can do, and at least if he violates it the cops will arrest him.


Friday, September 11, 2015

Beyonce: Moving Out on Jay Z?!

Hard as it may be to believe, the Carters are struggling at the moment.

Sure, there’s a new round of rumors that Beyonce and Jay Z are getting divorced, but those pop up every few months.

Right now, the more immediate concern for the First Couple of Hip Hop has to do with housing.

They had been renting a lavish home in Holmby Hills, California, but now the place has found a buyer, and Bey and Jay declined to beat the $ 35 million offer.

So they have two months to move, and many are now wondering if they’ll be relocating together.

Radar Online is reporting that Beyonce has already moved out with 3-year-old Blue Ivy in tow, leaving Jay to fend for himself.

It’s possible that Jay is just getting the family’s affairs in order before he joins Bey and Blue in their new SoCal home. Or perhaps Mrs. Carter is traveling and decided to bring the toddler with her.

Of course, it’s also possible that all those rumors that the Carters are headed for a wildly expensive divorce are actually true.

To be clear, that’s probably not the case, but we’d hate to let Jay-Bey divorce rumors slip by us the one time there’s actually any truth to them.

Expect an uncaptioned photo of the couple holding hands in the South of France to pop up on social media any day now.