Showing posts with label Mufasa's. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Mufasa's. Show all posts

Friday, May 6, 2016

Puppy Mourns Mufasa"s Death in The Lion King

We"re just gonna come out and say it:

The Lion King is the best children"s movie ever made.

Heck, it"s one of the best adult movies ever made.

And now we can apparently also add that it"s one of the best animal movies ever made.

No, not because it stars animals. Because animals actually experience a wide range of impactful emotions while watching it.

Or at least one animal does.

In the following video, a puppy is sitting on the couch alongside his owner, taking in the saddest scene from The Lion King.

Simba has just stumbled upon his dad, Mufasa, after Mufasa"s own brother dropped him to his death. 

(Sorry: SPOILER ALERT! Also: Darn you, Scar!)

We"re not exaggerating when we say it"s really as moving as nearly any scene we can think of in cinematic history… and we"re not alone in thinking this.

Because look at how the dog is responding!

As Simba implores his father to get up, you can tell the dog is thinking the same thing in his head.

And the more he realizes that Mufasa is not going to get up, the more he whines and sulks and is simply downtrodden by what he"s witnessing on screen.

We just hope he watched the movie all the way through and eventually sees that Simba comes out on top and hears all those great songs and learns some valuable life lessons.

For now, though? We feel you, dog. We feel you and we love you…

Puppy mourns mufasas death in the lion king