Showing posts with label Outlawing. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Outlawing. Show all posts

Sunday, September 30, 2018

Kanye West Advocates Abolishing 13th Amendment Outlawing Slavery

Kanye West made a shocking comment Sunday … “Abolish the 13th Amendment” … the Amendment that outlawed slavery. Kanye has been tweeting about his support for Donald Trump … this in the face of his ‘SNL’ appearance last night where he wore his…


Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Donald Trump to NFL: Make a New Rule Outlawing Kneeling!

Donald Trump just sent a message to Roger Goodell — saying kneeling during the national anthem should no longer be an option … it needs to be a league rule. Trump continued his Twitter attack against kneelers Tuesday morning — first, saying the…


Donald Trump to NFL: Make a New Rule Outlawing Kneeling!

Donald Trump just sent a message to Roger Goodell — saying kneeling during the national anthem should no longer be an option … it needs to be a league rule. Trump continued his Twitter attack against kneelers Tuesday morning — first, saying the…
