Showing posts with label Pierces. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Pierces. Show all posts

Saturday, December 30, 2017

"The Wire" Star Wendell Pierce"s Assault Case Finally Closed

Wendell Pierce is happily closing out 2017 by officially — and finally — kissing a bizarre 2016 episode goodbye. The Fulton County State Court tells TMZ … the assault case against “The Wire” star is now closed after Wendell successfully…


Tuesday, October 17, 2017

Blac Chyna Pierces Daughter"s Ears, The Internet ATTACKS

Blac Chyna has peacefully been spending a lot of time with her daughter of late.

She hasn’t slammed Dream’s daddy in several months, seemingly staying as far away from Rob Kardashian as possible in order to focus on some QT with her cutie.

A few days ago, for instance, we were treated to this totally adorable video of Dream in a pumpkin patch.

‘Tis the season, after all, right?

But just because the controversial ex-reality star wants to quietly hang with her children these days… that doesn’t mean she isn’t making some noise on the Internet.

Whether she meant to be or not.

While visiting a local shopping mall on Monday, the model and businesswoman revealed to fans that “Dreamy got her ears pierced.”

She relayed this message via the precious picture of her 11-month child above, prior to also sharing an image (below) of herself, Dream and son King Cairo.

What a nice change of pace for Chyna, right?

It really wasn’t too long ago that she was involved in a nasty revenge porn feud with her ex-fiance, one started by Kardashian, of course.

But one that didn’t paint Chyna as an especially responsible parent, either.

However, some critics on the Internet still see Chyna as irresponsible, dragging her hard for piercing the ears of a girl who isn’t even one year old yet.

You just scarred ur baby for lyfe, wrote one Instagram user, while another agreed that putting one’s toddler through this sort of pain isn’t worth it at such a young age.

Can’t you just let her b a kid?!? Why make her look so fancy and old? this person wondered.

And still another took things a lot farther:

Wut, do you want your kid to grow up and look as cheap as you always do?

When to pierce a little girl’s ears if often a topic of debate for parents.

There’s no right or wrong answer, of course.

But it is wrong for strangers to jump in and offer any kind of critique in a situation such as this.

They don’t really know anything about Blac Chyna as a parent and it’s certainly none of their business when she makes any kind of personal decision along these lines.

As long as Dream is happy and healthy, isn’t that all that matters?

Plus, come on, how cute is that first picture above?!?

And all the pictures below, too!
