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Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Kylie Jenner: SO Much More Popular Than Sisters Online!

The Kardashians and Jenners have launched new pay websites (seriously), and the public has spoken as to which one they are most invested in.

By a WIDE margin, the undisputed winner is …

Kylie Jenner. Kim, you have been dethroned.

Kendall and Kylie Jenner, along with Kim and Khloe Kardashian, all launched their new pay sites – offering all access to fans for a mere $ 2.99/month.

Which begs the obvious questions of:

  1. Who in the heck would pay this;

  2. What they could possibly offer;

  3. Whether Kourtney was too busy stripping down to her sports bra and showing Scott what he’s missing on Instagram to get in on the action.

Anyway, TMZ unearthed subscriber numbers that are staggering on a number of levels, most notably that 891,340 people signed up in 24 hours.

If all of them paid, that’s more than $ 2.65 million for the Kards. A MONTH. It’s okay if you hurl violently, just aim away from your electronic device.

Let’s hope the newly-legal Kylie is getting paid on a revenue sharing basis, given each individual family member’s contribution to that total, though.

The breakdown by reality star sibling:

  • Kylie: 74 percent!!!!!

  • Khloe: 10.8 percent

  • Kim: 9 percent

  • Kendall: 5.6 percent

Pretty amazing, and yet not at all.

If you’re somehow willing to pay $ 2.99 a month for inside scoop on one of the Kardashians, here are 18 examples of ways to get your money’s worth …